[@Kitsune] Sai kept quite and allowed Koyo-shi to speak after the girl mentioned that the two had encountered another hollow, not just the one hollow she was told of. Raising her left eyebrow at the Shinigami's words, Sai soaked in all of the information, paying close attention. Leaning her left elbow on the armrest of the chair, Sai leaned her body a touch closer towards Koyo-shi as the information grew to intrigue her. After Koyo-shi finished talking about the hollow situation, Sai felt the need to speak up. [color=a187be][b]"I see... Well that's an even more impressive feat! Although two hollows on a Shinigami's first mission is rather rare, however previous new recruits who were unlucky to have encountered that many hardly managed to protect themselves, let alone take care of the problem! So good job, but bad job on disobeying my orders, I hope that you don't do that again understood? I'll overlook it this time since you were with a partner and managed to come back safely, but I won't be so lenient a next time and I'm sure none of us want that right?"[/b][/color] Sai happily praised Koyo-shi, but she did use a stern tone of voice when mentioning her disobeying her Captain's orders, however lightened her tone again as she finished her speech. She didn't want to be too harsh on the Shinigami, she was new to the squad after all, but if things didn't go as well as they did, it could of resulted easily in death and Sai wasn't going to let that become a possibility for any mission. [color=a187be][b]"As for the cannibal hollow, that is quite an odd creature to appear in the Human World atleast. Hopefully that was the only one..."[/b][/color] Quietening herself once again, Sai listened to Koyo-shi's take on the mission, cupping her chin inquisitively with her right hand. She nodded to show that she was listening and taking on board what Koyo-shi was saying. [color=a187be][b]"I see. Firstly I'm guessing you mean Zento? I don't believe I know a Kento hehe"[/b][/color] Sai couldn't help but chuckle before continuing her sentence. [color=a187be][b]"Ahhh, he seems to like leading, it seems. But if that's the case, he'll need to learn how to work in a team and not just take the reins and expect others to follow. Perhaps some team building training is required, I'll start planning once I return to Squad Thirteen"[/b][/color] Sai continued to hold a soft smile as she sat comfortably. [color=a187be][b]"Is there anything else you'd like to tell or ask me? Unless you'd prefer to rest for now and we could talk when you've fully recovered?"[/b][/color]