We all know the story of fairy tales from Hansel and Gretel to the Naked King. In a world where all fairy tales live in peace and prosperity, where the villains live separately from the fairy tales after years of fighting. Technological invention, innovation, and research, have begun throughout both the fairy tales and the villains lands alike to make their lives easier. Unfortunately many of the villains have begun research for weapons of mass destruction and have begun once again to invade fairy tale lands with the intention of bringing them all under the ruling witch's rule. The fairy tales now beginning a little research of their own have fought back and continue to fight back as the villainous militaries make their way through their borders. Not a very good intro I know, but anyway, this rp is basically us taking the role of fairy tales (or villains of you wish) and fighting for either side in a world where magic and science exist. What side will you choose?