[@Raijinslayer] [@Satsuki] [@Spawnling] As Ian bowed in her presence she fought the urge to clap with glee she opted to rock on her heals instead. The young man was whistling quite the tune, leading with yet another compliment only added too her trust in the young man. Her brow raised as he spoke of his origins. Chaos is a strange term, she had heard it but only in descriptions of the fields of battle. The black knight is suppository something similar....A Demon is similar to a fairy? They just enjoy the misfortune of others far more than any fairy. He can not change shape and yet he....Before she finished the thought his power confused her. It made no sense to her but it was somewhat satisfying to see the Serpent get what was coming to her. His story had enthralled her in a fashion that had her unaware that she had sat down, and was sitting straight up in her chair reminiscent of a eager student. The COFFEE had finally arrived. [color=662d91]"Eh?"[/color] She did however notice him standing up to leave. His offer to take her around the town so that she may become better acquainted with it...He paid for her meal..Did he think her beneath him? She was not his servant! How dare he! He said so many sweet words only to slap her as he departed. She literally huffed. Grabbing up the coffee she took a sip to shake off the insult. It smelled bizarre like the wet leaves burning in the cauldron mixed with old wild berries. It looked like a murky pond was in her cup. A bitter drink that was also sweet...Sweet like her sweet bread? The disagreement with Simon went completely unnoticed. Simon grinned at Ian, already counting the money, after his outburst. If the imp scared or intimidated him, the llama hid it well, still giving the air of a man who could not be irritated. [color=00a651]"Passive aggressive intimidation? No, that would be what Oerba does to you. What I'm doing is called being honest. If you weren't welcome here, do you think I'd have asked her to stop insulting you or even let you remain on the premises? You have a reputation, and when said reputation is committing minor theft, I ask for payment up front. If this upsets you, change your reputation. You'll find I'm far more amiable then most would be given your past, because I could have been far ruder than asking you to do something that I ask everyone to do."[/color] The hybrid held the trademark breezy smile on his face as he put the money in his till, the perfect picture of calmness. Truth be told, the idea of pissing off a demon, even a minor one, wasn't particularly thrilling. But Simon was never one to back down from his position. [color=00a651]"Enjoy your dri-"[/color] [color=662d91]"Pffttttt" [/color] She spat out the incredibly foul drink. [color=662d91]"The coffee taste as it looked, pond water should not be consumed at any time let alone with the sweet bread!"[/color] Her eyes glared daggers into Simon's forehead. [color=662d91]"You are deceiving me! I want the true sweet coffee you should be wary who you play for a fool. I am onto you Woolly Simon!" [/color] The hybrid stepped back as Mulivon spat out her coffee. He watched the liquid spread across the counter with a soft sigh, but smiled, pulling a towel out to wipe up the mess. With another hand, he swept up her mug and put it on the shelf leading to the kitchen. [color=00a651]"Let's try something else then. How about a White Coffee? It's much sweeter."[/color] White coffee. It sounded like a different type of creature. The thought that the coffee she had just tasted was meant to taste the way it did troubled her. He did hand others the foul looking liquid and they drank it with little hesitation. [color=92278f]"Yes I will have the coffee of white..."[/color] She felt quite unnerved by his unwavering smile. But rather than dwell on it she took a bite of her scone to get the wretched taste of both the coffee and the situation out of her mouth. Ian rolled his head a little, considering the llamaman's words for a bit before he gave a sigh, seating himself again with a huff. The red in his eyes fading completely back into their normal blue color. "I guess you're right about most of that, but I have to disagree with you about Oerba. Nothing passive about her aggression, not that I really mind that much. I'm sure I deserve more times than not, with this being one of the few nots." Ian continued to munch slightly on his scone. "As for my reputation of petty theft, it's been slow going on that front, kleptomania is a rather hard thing to get rid of. Case and point, just yesterday I found several salt shakers from a restaraunt I went to, which I returned as soon as I realized I had them but still, freakin' salt shakers. Why couldn't I get a more manageble disorder to deal with . . . or at least one that's less likely to get me sent to jail or worse." Turning back to Mulivon, he couldn't help but smile at her way of speaking. It was so . . . amusing? No, that wasn't the word, maybe rustic . . . nah, that isn't it either. Whatever, bottom line was that he liked to hear her talk, and he liked to play on her ego, if only a little. "So then, Magnificent Mulivon, do you wish to go on a tour after you have your white coffee, or are you bored of my company already? Oh, and Simon, due please give me the coffee if tge lady doesn't want it, be a shame to let it go to waste." As he spoke, he reached for his own coffee, only to feel first fyr, than a sharp pain as Leroy, who was currently helping himself to Ian's drink, turned around to bite him fir dari g to dusturb him while he was feasting. "Gahhh!!! You furry little shit, what the hell do you think you're doing drinking my coffee!?!?" He's question was met with a hiss, and if it wasn't for the fact that he was currently in the presence of a lady, he would've tackled the lil' bugger right then and there. "Dick" He mutter under his breath, though apparently not low enough, since Leroy lifted his head out of the depths of the coffee cup to spray a stream of the hot. black liquid right into Ian's face. Ut took every ounce of willpower he had to do nothing more then wipe his face, but his eyes were back to their previous crimson fury. "Why I haven't turned you into a pair of fluffy socks yet, I'll never know." Simon chuckled at the remark about the reptilian officer's aggression, already mixing the new drink for Mulivon. With one hand, he took the mug back and handed it over to Ian. [color=00a651]"Yeah, I suppose I have to give you that one. Don't let her get to you, she's just passionate about her job. Just do your best each day."[/color] It didn't take him long to mix the new drink. He could have added the milk to her old drink but something told him if he did she'd just glare into the side of his skull. The girl could kill with a look it seemed. He handed the new cup back over to her. [color=00a651]"Magnificent Mulivon? Is that the full title or just a nickname? Try that. Much sweeter, I promi-"[/color] As the ferret spewed hot coffee into Ian's face, Simon gave another sigh. [color=00a651]"Look, you're supposed to drink this, not spray it everywhere."[/color] Mulivon waited for the drink with a skeptical gaze, but if its capable of tasting similar as the sweet bread she would give it a second try. While she was unaware of the reasoning behind it she had a tiny bit of satisfaction as the small rodent spit the drink out as well, it turned out she wasn't the only one. [color=92278f]"I am not actually the magnificent. I have yet to reach the heights that would earn myself such a title, let alone the right to my feathers. Though I am fairly magnificent."[/color] Complete with customary hair flip, Lancelot took it upon himself to force her headdress down over her eyes. She pushed it back up and swatted at him. [color=92278f]"Lancelot can be so unruly. He he..."[/color] She forced a laugh to excuse her birds behavior. In order to change the subject she forced herself to take a sip of her newer drink. The white coffee while still bitter lacked the wretched flavor of the normal coffee. She was able to stand it but it was still far more bitter than it was sweet. But taking a bite of her scone made for a complimenting flavor. In short she liked it. [color=92278f]"This is the true coffee, I knew the first was a ruse. Woolly Simon trying to play the innocent little foal." her eyes grinned as her mouth did as well. "You forest folk enjoy the silliest of game. I will let you continue bringing the coffee. Though I shall pay for it myself."[/color] Lancelot, seemingly from nowhere pulled a gold nugget. [color=92278f]"Mother said this would go to a bank, and they would give me the way to pay you. I don't know where a bank is. So this will suffice yes?" [/color] The nugget was quite large, and from the sounds of it she had many more...but to say it was over kill for a cup of coffee and a scone. Forest folk? Foal? If Simon had enough pride, he was pretty sure he'd be offended. He smiled. [color=00a651]"I'm not-...never mind. You can drop the Wooly part by the way, just Simon will work."[/color] Simon's eyes widened as the gold made an appearance, lost for words. Albert over on his side of the counter blinked in astonishment, the teen's jaw flat dropping. The hybrid quickly raised his hands, indicating that he wouldn't take it, trying to dissuade her. [color=00a651] "Whoa, that's uh...that's a bit much for a pastry and coffee! Like...about a hundred times too much. Don't you have any regular money? Or anything that isn't quite so expensive?"[/color] Ian, after wiping his face clean with a towel, took a gracious sip of the coffee Simon had sent his way, giving Leroy a weary glance to make sure he wasn't planning anything, the ferret seemed completely intent on finishing the coffee at the moment. He then turned his attention to Simon and Mulivon's little exchange, raisin an eye when he saw the newcomer try to pay with a gold nugget. Not that surprising if she's actually descended from a god, though I'm not sure a bank is where you go for that kind of a transaction, that seems more in line with the workings of a pawn shop. Ian chose not to speak on the matter, though he did chuckle a little at her comment about her pet bird. "I'd take 'unruly' over 'complete dick' anyday, this little bastard is a pain in my ass, everyday, all day, without fail." Ian pointed a finger at Leroy, only to pull itback just in time to avoid getting bit again. "Ungrateful little rat."