[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Amaya Tsukino[/color][/h2][/center] Amaya was in her favorite class, Psychology. She wrote down every single word in her 5 subject notebook, most of which was filled with notes from her semester class, and observations of those around her. While the subject interested her, there was no way she'd be able to get a job with a psychology degree. As her professor began discussing the meaning behind varying degrees of dilation of the pupil, an over whelming sense of nausea consumed her senses. Amaya closed her eyes and put her head in her hands, massaging her temples. She focused on breathing deeply, and the steady rhythmic beat of her heart. The harmonizing rhythms slowly lulled Amaya into a subconscious part of her mind. Within the depths of blackness, a nurturing melody called out to her. Contrary to the warm it emitted, the voice sang, "Ice, Ice, Ice,". As if that word contained the answer to everything. Unfortunately, answers aren't always knowledge that brings peace. Suddenly, the conscious part of Amaya's brain threw the reality of her current situation at her within a fraction of a millisecond. Amaya's heart burst out of her chest as her spine snapped straight, and her eyelids flung open wide. After a second, her brain was finally able to process her surrounding. All the students in the room, had their jackets or hoodies on. The professor had paused his lecture to check the thermostat. Amaya calmly looked down at the crystalline pattern of frost that radiated from her hands. She quickly placed her notebook and textbook in a way that covered the majority of the crisp, frost snowflake. For the rest of class she tried her best to look inconspicuous and focused on the lesson. Cloud 9, New York. It was farther away than Amaya would have cared for, however, the mysteries and questions surrounding this place and the vision intrigued her. She could skip most of her classes, she just needed to study from her textbooks and previous notes. After all she just needed to take the final in order to pass the class. The only thing Amaya would miss was her psychology class. So after the hassle of booking a plane flight for the next day, Amaya began to prepare her things from her dorm room. She informed her roommate that she'd be gone for awhile. Hopefully not long, but you can never be sure. The time it took to arrive at New York seemed to take way longer than it should have. Having no money to stay at a hotel (being a poor college student), and knowing no one who lived in the New York area, Amaya had brought her suitcases, containing her life, to this moldy, run down night club. It was at this time that Amaya seriously reconsidered her decision. She grew nervous, if there was no one here, then what was the point of coming here? A waste of money obviously. But what if there are people down there? What kind of people are they? Not to mention, if there are then Amaya is literally walking in to a social situation that is far from pleasant. However, there was no point in sitting here looking ridiculous, contemplating questions when the answer it right in front of her. So Amaya gathered her two large black suitcases and her backpack, and headed around the building to find a staircase leading into the depths of underground. She lugged her belongings behind her, trying to be discreet since she didn't know who she was dealing with.