Oh, he’d been sleeping. Lucas might have apologised for waking him if he hadn’t been distracted by the beagle coming over to sniff at his leg. Little claws scratching at his skull and the floor while he watched her assess his interest value. The store owner/manager/clerk - whatever he was he was in here a lot - followed after her, a right friendly greeting for someone shaking them out of a doze. So, he smiled distractedly, keeping his hands to themselves and now and again resettling the doll who was never in danger of falling. [b]“Ha. And hullo Casey. Is she Casey?”[/b] Lucas crouched to say hello properly, unable to help believing that the dog was the more important acquaintance to make, since he was more used to them than people these days. He’d meant to add her as an exception to the everything’s for sale rule, but tripped up and rolled with it anyway. He wasn’t absolutely certain that was her name, but there was definitely someone named Casey who came here regularly. Holding out his hand for her to sniff if she wanted, he shook his head, processing the greeting and answer he’d received with a speed roughly equivalent to a cow chewing cud. He’d get through it eventually. He gave up halfway though, since he didn’t actually want any guns, and wasn’t interested in learning much more about them. Rentable or not. Finally, after a long moment, he shook his head and shrugged, raising his gaze from the cute dog to the less adorable man and offered him another crooked, half-hearted smile. [b]“Sorry, no. I don’t like guns.”[/b] He made sure that came out clearly, speaking slowly and loudly so he could hear himself, not wanting to disappoint him after the rest of their conversation by only then bringing up that he wasn’t planning on buying anything. [b]“They’re loud.”[/b] He held the doll out instead, her smiling face flopping back on an unsupportive neck. [b]“She was my mum’s and don’t dropped her, but I’m trying to find the girl.”[/b]