Despite himself, Coco couldn't help but giggle. He had managed to take hold of the tiger, but in his nervous petting accidentally heated up its other ear- when the precious thing tried to walk around, it hobbled from side to side, each ear landing on the ground. [b]"Alright,"[/b] said the dark skinned man, cradling the mewling tiger in his arms, it being too big for his childish hands. He'd already apologized about not being able to end it's misery by heating up the rest of it and evening it out. Sadly, Coco hadn't been given much of a chance to try and figure out his special abilities. Petting the hardened clay parts of the tiger, the man nodded- [b]"I suppose I'll take you in till I figure out to fix you."[/b] He made his way through the greenery, wondering aloud if- [b]"Do clay animals need to be fed?"[/b]- when the sound of distant, echoing cracking raised his small head. He was too small to see much above the great trees, by he did see a plume of smoke. Dark and ominous, Coco wondered what couldve caused it, and if he should be standing around instead of running. It seems as though he had little running to do, two other figures starting towards him. They looked panicked, for the most part, and Coco was confused but already backing away in case whatever caused the smoke in the sky was right behind them. Large almond eyes narrowing, Coco waited until he felt they were close enough before calling out a curious- [b]"Who are you running from?"[/b]