"No man, please. I don't know shut about what you're lookin' for." the gangster pleaded as he tried to escape the monster in front of him. Average height, and black haired the meta human was almost normal, except until he took off his sunglasses. The same gaping maws of teeth had greeted the gang in their hideout. They were part of the sudden influx of criminals that had immigrated into the city after the explosion. They primarily focused on the burgeoning drug trade in the now abandoned port area. "Sorry buddy, but you and your chucklefuck pals have caught the interest of the police department," the meta human replied, surrounded by the broken corpses the criminals comrades, "'sides, it's your fault for getting involved the drug trade." Then, stopping low, the monstrous man retrieved his knife from the neck of one of the gangsters, and began prowling towards the man on the ground, who was attempting to crawl away. He immediately began wetting himsel in fear. "Relax," the bloodied T-shirt clad man knelt to eye level to the gangster, and brought the knife down on, "It's for a good cause." Slitting the man's neck, the man began his grisly.collection of the dead men's eyes. Popping them leaders eye into his socket, and learned that there was going.to be a drug deal that evening. Quickly, the survivor called a special number, and reported his findings.!?