He smiled at Carmen's reply. [color=yellow]"Well... I suppose that's par for the course. They'll listen eventually, even if I have to bring this inn down myself."[/color] He returned, sending her one of his signature, "I might be up to no-good." smiles. Criston blinked as the girl who had introduced herself as Rika to the reaper-esque fellow spoke to him. [color=yellow]"Ahh... Call me Criston, please."[/color] He told her, a smile on his face. [color=yellow]"And, you miss the point. Being able to rebuild the inn isn't the issue."[/color] He explained to her, his eyes softening a bit. He motioned his head to the older fellow behind him who was currently making drinks for the other patrons in the room. [color=yellow]"See, destroying the property of those that have lent it to you is rude, especially when it has been given so graciously. There is a certain... element to the emotional attachment felt to a certain place, especially when you have lived there your entire life. Hey, Alvin, how long have you live in this inn?"[/color] Criston asked the inn keeper, turning his head to look at him. [color=gray]"Ahh... Nearing 30 years, sir."[/color] Alvin answered with an awkward smile. [color=yellow]"Now, if you destroy his inn, you won't only answer to me, you'll answer to Maria Cross. And ah... trust me when I say, you'd rather deal with me than with her. I know I've had my ass handed to me on more than one occasion...[/color] He explained, shaking his head at the sudden memories of sneaking into the girls' dorms. A small chuckle escaped his lips at the memory. [color=yellow]"As far as the question about magic goes... I'm not really sure. I've been a magic user all my life but I've heard several different theories as to how it actually works. Mom... Maria, that is, tells me it's based around our energies, or our mana reserves. And the power of the spells lie in the words we use to bring them to life. I mean... I could go on and on about what I learned about magic from my mother but honestly, you'd probably be better hearing it from her. I'm not the expert on it."[/color] He explained rather lengthily. [color=yellow]"And... the chicken and the egg question? I'm not really sure. There's far too much crap going on in this world for me to be worrying about some proverbial chicken and egg. My mind goes to the friends and loved ones I've lost, the faces of those who died in battle and worse, the faces of those who never found the rightful burial they deserve so forgive me if I refrain from even considering the question."[/color] He added, smiling at her curtly. It was then that he saw a flash of light beside him and before he could turn to look and see what had happened, Carmen sat there, talking to the reaper fellow. He blinked, staring at her. [color=yellow]"You're getting quite speedy with that, aren't you?"[/color] He asked, chuckling. [color=yellow]"Anyway, is this Grimm I see? How are you today?"[/color] Criston asked, a soft smile held on his face. [@Masaki Haruna] [@Driving Park] [@Raijinslayer]