Villeth resisted the urge to shudder at Draxis' true face. While she had seen zombies and corpses before, she wasn't quite used to a a powerful figure being unattractive. Lolth's priestesses were often as beautiful as they were deadly. Letting nothing show on her face she considered his words. She had already noted the martial skill of Draxis' warriors but what irked her and what she wasn't sure what to make of were Draxis' boasts. While he certainly was an indomitable force, his faith that one demi-power could press itself against an entire pantheon of gods? The elves had an entire host of gods, including Corellon Larethian, a greater power that had plucked out the eye of Gruumsh, the great god of the Orcish people. These were not to be taken lightly. The dark elven sorceress watched one of Draxis' ghouls uproot a tree. It was slow going, particularly later, when the trees became as thick as cottages. As one of the ghouls found itself filled with arrows, Villeth had to admit, the greatest advantage of the elves, their supreme accuracy with arrows, was of little use against Draxis' troops. They were every bit as incredible as those brought back by the Zin-Carla, a powerful magic granted by Lolth to bring back it's greatest warriors as intelligent obsessed revenants. Still, on all this she kept silent as Draxis gave the order to mount up. This Draxis seemed to have something of an ego and a fragile one at that. She'd encountered the type amongst the many matrons of Undraeth, the cavernous city below the mantle. Still, she was glad for the opportunity to slay some elves. She turned to her riding lizard, and drew her long fingers along her mount's neck, caressing the smooth scales. Yes, today was a good day for killing elves. "Tell me Draxis," she said, thrusting a quip in his direction as her lizard did an excited quick circle, "Why all the armour? From the sounds of it, you're indestructible. You could probably kill thrice as many of the long-ears if you could move faster."