[quote=@Archmage MC] Ok need the captain to post now I think. IE the only person not in the character sheet panel or active in the OOC at all. Why are they the captain again? Taja is wayy more active and the GM. :P [/quote] because I make a bad person in lead. I become way to hm... how to say... commanding demanding on occasion too pushy, etc.... Overly hyper.Its better when I am second in lead, organizing or reminding. About the lack of her own post in character sheet her pc/laptop broke so I posted it for her but now she has it back again and had posted in the IC. How she became the captain it because from the previous rp we took our characters from. Give her till tomorrow to post. She was quite active in the GM discussion thread. I am sure it isnt the lack of trying that made her slow down, a bit.