Ah, it was clear as day now. All of them who was here was going to the village, regardless of that person's er... compliments? Whoever it was that pulled them here was horrifyingly indiscriminate in their choice. One of them was but just a kid. What sort of sick person sends a kid to help with matters involving a whole realm? What if they died? Or even worse? That Chad person certainly didn't have any sense. He just waltzed into their group without so much as checking whether they were hostile or not. Fortunately for him, they weren't a bandit ring. Not a person she could count on. But she can't just leave the kid either, or any of them. Some of them looked like they can fend for themselves but still... [color=6ecff6] "Well. Despite the uh... Flying girl,"[/color] The soldier guy, Stas, pointed back at the artist and the flying one with his thumb, [color=6ecff6]"And Edwin's missing small clay tiger. We have a direction now to the village. What do you think we should do?"[/color] Juno looked at him for a moment, before looking towards the others. At the very least, they should be somewhere safer, like in the village. [color=c4df9b]"Alright." [/color]She spoke loudly, slamming her fist into her palm. [color=a2d39c]"I'm sure most of you have your own questions to ask, I know I do, but for now, we need to get to the village. We don't know what's in this forest that might have a hankering for us, and I sure as hell do not want to find out. That clay tiger can be replaced, but if you die, you die, so we best move. Now,"[/color] She looked up towards the sky. [color=a2d39c]"Before it gets dark."[/color] With that, Juno led the way, towards the village.