[b]"Hmmm, it is indeed a natural process, it's basic artificial selection, taking out those not fit and keeping those who work well."[/b] He said pouring Cal another drink. [b]"Though i must congratulate The director of this program, it is very a very refined system."[/b] He poured himself another, [b]"I think i've got to agree with alaska there pal, I've never heard you sing but if you did I imagine there would be a lot of confused dogs."[/b] He lounged back in his chair and Yawned. [b]"Hey Cal, I kinda don't want to leave you on your own, but I need to sort out some things if I'm going to do combat,"[/b] He got up realised he hadn't got up of his armour yet, And he needed to go through Decontamination, he still had quite a bit of blood on him. [b]"Keep the drink Cal, it will help you sleep, and if the doctors ask you for some just say it's toxic to people not from your world that normally works, Good night Cal." [/b] He was in decontamination for about half an hour, making sure no antibody could've survived. He took off the Armour and made his way to his dorm, He stripped it of bugs and lay in his bed. He was unsure of what was going to happen, but Cal was right if something was to happen they needed to be more than a team. They needed to be a family.