[@Mr_pink] [@ScarlettWaters16] Gordon hated going into the main city. There weren't enough places to set an ambush, It was too bright, and above all, it was do DAMNED noisy and smelled to much like cleaning chemicals. But here he was, wearing his wrap around shades that covered his eyes from all angles and carrying a white walking stick, walking to a library to meet with his police contact/handler to exchange information. Gordon scowled down at the bag on his back, which carried a safe and a laptop he took from the dead gangster's hideout. He already knew the information in them, but the police needed hard evidence to carry out their raids. He thought back to the first time he had used his powers. He had just washed up on shore, and a gangbanger was looting his body. Next to his hand he felt a fragment of a metal pole, and grabbing it he shoved into the thugs leg. With his leg broken and pierced, the thug fell down and began crying in fear and pain. Finally opening his eyes, he found that he couldn't see, but he knew where the gangster was, and by some unnatural instinct, he grabbed the man's face and crushed it. When his eyeballs popped out, Gordon unconsciously put them into his eye sockets, and he [b]felt[/b] his eye sockets moving like jaws, tearing and mashing the eye into a gooey pulp. As his eyes continued to chew, Gordon fell on his knees and began hurling his stomach's contents on the beach, and hurled again after he brought his bloodied hand to his face and got the sticky substance in his mouth. He didn't know how long he was their, but eventually his eye sockets stopped moving and he saw. he saw every memory of the man's life, all his secrets and all his goals. He saw his triumphs and failures, and how he was a low ranking member of a gang who was sent shortly after the explosion to scout out a landing spot for the spread of their gang. He saw how he was a family man who wanted to keep his children out of the business he was in, and how he was a well-liked and respected member of his group. Gordon nearly hurled as he delved through the man's memories, but eventually he made it to the now deceased man's car and opened it. Going by the man's memories, there was a gun in the glove compartment, and Gordon fumbled slightly as he followed the acrid scent of propellant. Eventually finding it, he pulled out the gun and placed it to his temple, when suddenly a radio crackled to life. "Hey Thompson, ya there?" a voice called over the device, "Get your ass over here, we need more help unloading the gear." The memories helped him identify the voice as Franklin, a high ranked member of the man's gang. putting down the gun, Gordon began mimicking Thompson's voice, "Yeah man, I'll be over there soon, had to wait out a few cops but I made sure they didn't follow me." Franklin, satisfied by the answer shut off the radio, and Gordon began searching for a phone. he eventually found one, and called the police station. He gave the operator the run down of the situation. At first, the man was skeptical, until Gordon began going over the details of each member's life. Hanging up, Gordon drove the car a few blocks away from the hideout, and waited for the police. As he was waiting, he sneaked to the parking lot where the gang had parked their vehicles and began slashing the tires with a knife after the gang members were drunk celebrating. Eventually he heard the sirens of the police force, and the loud crashes as the gang members attempted to escape to the vehicles. Hiding in the shadows, Gordon pounced into the center of the group and began knocking them out. And that was how he was found, surrounded by unconscious gangsters, with blood streaks from his eyes, and a bloody hand. He was incarcerated and interrogated as one of the first official meta-humans. He told them what his powers were, and after weeks of meetings and debates, they decided to hire him as a "specialist". Of course that meant he was effectively exiled to the now burgeoning crime scene of the pier. Reaching his destination, he was pulled from his thoughts when he almost ran into a person exiting. Catching his scent, which was a smell-les, ephemeral breeze that tickled his sinuses, he quickly identified the figure as a super, but decided to leave it. He was even more shocked to scent another one behind him, a myriad of smells that nearly overwhlmed him. Walking in, he smiled to himself, "Well this is certainly interesting." He thought, as he scanned for his contact.