“The answer is simple. Intimidation is as much a part of combat as speed and strength. I wear this armor and its gruesome designs to show the truth of what they face; an indestructible and unrelenting force that cannot be stayed. The elves may have their gods, but our lords of undeath and the demonlords of the afterlife are on our side young one. I am but their messenger, to deliver their cruel fate to them. The elven gods and the elves themselves have no time left on this world and they too will perish as all must.” Draxis spoke as he began his ride towards the forest, passing his boneweavers in the midst of their spells, weaving a terrible magic to bind the crippled bodies of the fallen elves together to make towering undead behemoths held together with the dark intent of their magics and what little of the elf spirits were left in the bodies. “I have many tricks up my sleeve that have yet to be seen or used because the true enemy is not these elves, I was simply told to get rid of one of Razgar’s fears, your people would have been better suited for this, I have no doubt as they know the forests without having to pave your way through them, but do not underestimate the might of the teeming hordes of undead. We are tenacious as anything that breathes.” Draxis spoke as he raised his blade and felt the deathly chill in the air as his Dethsworn riders let out their piercing howls, each one of the riders commanding their own unnatural force that would be a sweeping tide over the elven fortifications. With this howl, the line of riders swept into the tree line overtaking the lumbering flesh giants that were now joining the ranks of his undead legion, each one standing nearly half the height of some of the tallest trees deeper into the forest. The riders cut down and elves in their path, leaving a trail of blood and bodies in the inferno behind them. “Little Dark Elf, we have yet to show you what our elite can do, for you only witnessed the strength of the lowliest of the legion. The Dethsworn and I are of a different caliber, we hold ancient, long forgotten magics and weapons, things that the elves fear, which is why they have been as bold as to send their assassins and warriors into MY lands. The know what will come of my arrival in their home and they fear it, they know the death they are now waiting for, the Grim Reaper has come knocking and looking for these old foes of ours and the Blade of the Lichborne will drink their souls and fuel my power more so.” He divulged this unto Villith and chuckled as he did so. “The ghouls and Boneweavers may have their strength and cunning, but they lack the power to weild these ancient dark things, we Dethsworn, loyal to Baphomet and all the lords of the underworld carry the weapons of true evil. One carries the Pestilence itself, another holds the True cold of Ancient Winters, I hold a Soul Drinking blade and we all are masterful of our given weapons and magic. Each of these are powers so old and so great that the Elves quiver in fear that the full might of the Dethsworn may even be too much for their great ‘Pantheon’ for these powers are even older than those gods themselves and hold a more arcane and terribly sweet magic that have brought nations of past to ruin on their own. Only once have all of the Dethsworn rode together before this day, and it brought great devastation at great cost of many of our riders, but we have since learned from those mistakes and do not carelessly enter into single combat with powerful kings wielding great ancient blades.” He spoke of course of the day that the Griffins aided the humans in Draxis first attempts to destroy the humans… he was foolish and weak and not in complete control of his powers then… of course he also was not Baphomet’s favored servant either and could not control his own army that he had assembled. A few moments passed when nothing but fire could be seen before them and finally the thundering thuds of the great battering rams against the gates of the elven city within the forest could be heard. “We are close dark elf, you may get to taste their blood afterall.”