Hey Stern, I had an idea for an arc just wanted to bounce it off you. The arc is more of a 2nd part to the Scribes Grimoire, it would be focused around our characters coming to terms with what happened and their new abilities after that year long gap. I'm thinking something about us seeing one another, or one of us spotting the others book could bring it on, what do you think? Additionally, I'm going to be doing the first IC post soon, I'm thinking about starting our setting off at school on a Friday, we've just found a note or were previously approached by the fifth student with the four pointed star parchment and the mysterious note that came with it, *** and he's told us to meet him on school grounds the following day, eluding to knowing something about the odd parchments we ourselves received. Just thought I'd give you a heads up, of course as to the fashion of what I've said previously, you can choose to lengthen this out by not going to the school grounds on Saturday, I'll work around it with the NPC's by making the fifth student increasingly persistent. As a final note you can take control of any NPC, including the fifth student, just thought I'd clarify that point. ***(NOTE: I wrote in the arc itself that his parchment had a pentagram on it, that was a mistake on my part.)