[hider=Trooper Gregor Mekel] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Gregor Mekel [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 27 [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Guardsman [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] [b]-Carapace Armor[/b], a kitbash if anyone has ever seen one. Gregor combined Cadian "Kasrkin" Pattern Stormtrooper armor with Tempestus Scion armor. He uses the Kasrkin bodyarmor and pauldrons, while using the Scion greaves, gauntlets and helmet. The backpack is from the Scion armor set. Despite the occasional complaint from the local Techpriest, this kitbashed armor does not seem to hate Gregor, instead, the armor has saved his life on numerous occasions. Gregor keeps his armor gunmetal black with a steel grey trim. To cut down on weight, he has excluded the armor that covers his thighs. The Inquisition I can be seen on his left boot, and his pauldrons. The carapace armor includes a microbead for communication, photovisor(NightVision), rebreather, and an integral auspex with a wrist display. While most wrist mounted auspex are mounted on the topside of the wrist, Gregor has opted to flip it and mount it on the bottom side of his left arm. This allows him to keep his Meltagun up and gives him the ability to look at his auspex with only a glance. [b]-Accatran Pattern Mark VIII Meltagun[/b], Gregor prefers the Accatran Mk.VIII over other Meltaguns due to its lighter weight, and the addition of a carrying handle. He has a bandoleer with several melta canisters on it. On his left hip is some webbing, he typically has two or three canisters strapped there too. [b]-A shortsword and Combat knife[/b], the sword sheath is mounted at his lower back. He has an additional standard issue Imperial Guard combat knife, strapped to his left pauldron, used for when things get really bad, or he's in a space too small for his sword. [b]-A Mars Pattern Mark IV Command Laspistol[/b], right hip holster. He uses the slightly heavier Mars Mk.IV due to its increased range. Since if there is no armor for him to blast, he's not going to waste any Melta charges on mere cultists, he's going to use a regular gun. Usually keeps his spare chargepacks wherever he can put them, pockets, on some combat webbing, sometimes strapped onto his gauntlets or even his boots. The amount of chargepacks he has usually ends up at around four or five, not including the one in the pistol. [b]-Explosives[/b], Gregor usually carries several Meltabombs in his backpack, he uses them like bricks of C4. He also usually carries one or two frag grenades somewhere on his body within easy reach. [b]Notable Deeds/Skills:[/b] -Survivor of Operation Grey Gold. Operation Grey Gold was a mission lead by Inquisitor Caphus into rebel territory. Inquisitor Caphus needed to investigate if the rebels were dealing with Chaos. He requisitioned a platoon of nearby Guardsmen to help him punch through rebel lines. Gregor, having just been drafted into the Guard was among the Guardsmen who were in that platoon. That was his first mission, at 18 years old. At the end of Operation Grey Gold, only three of the platoon had survived. Gregor was one of the three. Rather than letting them back into the Guard, Inquisitor Caphus recruited them into his retinue. -Bane of Armor. Gregor has a knack for destroying armored units. Whether it be Dreadnoughts, Tanks, APCs, IFVs, planes, if its armored, Gregor probably knows how to kill it. He has spent weeks studying records of vehicles, so much so that if something new appears, he can look at it with only a glance and guess where its fuel tanks are, where the crew are sitting, where the ammo racks are held, and its possible weak points. -AT Specialist. Gregor's knack for killing armored units has earned him access to much of the anti-tank weapons in the armory. He is an expert with the meltagun, and decent with rocket launchers. He is proficient with a lascannon, only because he spent much of his lascannon practice time having fun with heavy stubbers and heavy bolters. -Creative. Gregor is a creative fellow. He once dressed up as a rebel and infiltrated a rebel camp, only to realize that the rebels were also chaos cultists. He may have nervously said some mildly heretical things to keep his cover, while he secretly planted bombs to distract the bulk of the enemy force. Ultimately his disguise failed when he accidentally blew up their latrines with one of the bombs he had planted. -Veteran. Despite his somewhat unimpressive origins, having started out as an Imperial Guard Conscript, he has grown to become a combat veteran. Being just as elite as Stormtroopers. This is due to working with said Stormtroopers constantly, Gregor has picked up on their tricks, techniques, and has even received field training from some of them. Although field training is a little optimistic, it was more like dragging him around and yelling at him in the middle of battle, but he got the message. [b]Time with Inquisitor:[/b] 9 Years, Gregor's lost count of how many missions he's been on with the Inquisitor. [b]Appearance: [/b] Gregor stands at 5 feet, 7 inches. His skin is a little on the paler side since he got his carapace armor. His black hair is kept in a military styled buzzcut. His eyes are brown in color. As a Guardsman, he is fit and strong, able to carry all of his equipment and walk around for as long as his Inquisitor needs him to without getting too tired. He is also capable of sprinting with all of his gear, which is particularly useful when he's going to blast a tank or a daemon. His face is unscarred and he looks a little younger than he actually is. To be honest, out of his carapace armor, he looks like a typical guardsman. Nothing really spectacular. [b]40K Knowledge Question:[/b] Erebus, that filthy traitor. 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