Things were strange. The police officer had a horn and was over two meters tall, there was a self proclaimed soldier with a spear and a flying girl that could fly like out of a story book. Despite all this Edwin surprisingly calmed down. [i]Huh, I must be in shock, so many silly things have just shut me down.[/i] Shaking the stray thoughts from his mind Edwin finally responded to Linnea's offer of help regarding the tiger "Sorry about that, I'd appreciate the help. I last saw it heading..." pausing Edwin sniffed [i]Is that burning? Am I having a stroke?[/i] then Juno slammed her fist, shocking Edwin out of his thoughts, while giving orders. [b]"I'm sure most of you have your own questions to ask, I know I do, but for now, we need to get to the village. We don't know what's in this forest that might have a hankering for us, and I sure as hell do not want to find out. That clay tiger can be replaced, but if you die, you die, so we best move. Now, before it gets dark."[/b] Edwin was a bit offended by the dismissal of his art as something that can just be replaced, it was a work of art after all, but he bit his tongue and rummaged through his pockets for anything that might be useful, finding only his scalpel and a lump on clay unused in his tiger piece. Glancing up at Linnea a stray thought crossed his mind [i]I suppose Wendy could do with a Tinker Bell.[/i] then something struck Edwin as odd. [i]Officer Juno said something about it getting dark? But over there it looks kinda bright... and it's getting brighter![/i] biting his lip Edwin debated speaking up about the situation then Linnea mentioned people running this way from the direction of the light. "Officer Hightower, Colonel Klink and Wendy Darling, I think we should really pick up the pace. I smell burning and it doesn't exactly look like it's getting any darker." with that he took his own advice and started off at a slowly increasing pace after Officer Juno.