And yeah, Gordon saw what Parael sent regarding the plague, I just need to get him to process it. But in a sense, Charles Gordon would make a not bad angel -- he is willing to see the bigger picture and work for it brutally. Buffalo in the way of the train tracks? Bye-bye buffalo. Georgia won't stop supporting the fight? Burn it. African Werelions in the Colony of Southern Rhodesia making difficulty for the court's secrecy statutes as they fight for the Matabele against the British? Maxim guns with silver rounds on wagons and kerosene bombs into the grass. I saved that part for later, but that would be something known to Court functionaries that are plugged in. Yes: Gordon got his start shooting Apache and Nez Perce werewolves with Winchester '73 and Colt peacemakers loaded with silver, but then saw the benefit of a Maxim gun for that -- faster than the courts, because he was a youngster at the time. He knew the value because the US Army, after Little Big Horn, used Gatlings. (Custer left his behind.) Odds are, since I thought of it OOCly, I'm going to have the idea of loading a winchester lever action shotgun with silver birdshot or one of the smaller varieties of buck, like #4, a definite thing; the 1887 is still a hell of a shotgun, so I can see the Major finding it particularly excellent as a former cavalryman that is very, very used to lever action weapons. In fact, as an action, kept clean, the lever action is still damn good to this day for rapid fire -- you don't lose your sight picture, as compared to most bolt action rifles.