[hider=Gawain Rochilde] [CENTER][I]Character Theme –[/I] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0d4qM7gCH8]Da Pacem Domine[/URL] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/353/b/1/baptist_by_marko_djurdjevic-d8aea8y.png[/IMG] [i]Gawain is a remarkable man, in that he is part dressed for battle, part dressed for a feast in an inn. Adding to the remarkability is his nose ring, which is rather large, and the three dots on his forehead. He has no remarkably muscled body, but it is apparent that he is fit and agile, both in way of moving and in looks. He has a characteristical look and those who have seen him are unlikely to forget him - both a boon and a blessing. His hair is slicked back using some sort of thick, oily substance, after which he puts on a linnen tie to keep his hair out of his face. His beard seems well maintained, though he is hardly ever seen maintaining it himself. Gawain's eyes are a dark blue, and although dark it can be seen clearly that they are blue indeed. He has some freckles on his nose and cheeks, but his characteristics end about there.[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Gawain Rochilde[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [I]the Wonderman[/I] 【[U]Gender[/U]】 [I]Male[/I] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [I]27[/I] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [I]Heterosexual[/I] 【[U]Birth Place[/U]】 [I]Minorhold, near the North gate in a wooden shack.[/I] 【[U]Nation/Allegiance[/U]】 [I]the Kingdom of Vasili, and to an extent the church of light.[/I] 【[U]Profession[/U]】 [I]Priest turned warrior-ish.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [I]Gawain walks with a steady stride, prideful in what he does and his position in life. He is a serious kind of guy, but doesn't mind a joke here or there. That being said he's not particularily funny [b]himself[/b], so don't expect any of those jokes from him. He'll just laugh along as they come. Furthermore he is a man that believes very strongly, although he sometimes is not entirely sure [b]what[/b] he believes in. Because of that he is rather tolerant for a baptist, and quite accepting of those who follow the old pantheon. After all, he sometimes reverts back to them as well when he isn't certain. In his words: [b]'Better to pray to all gods, than pray to the wrong one.'[/b] Gawain can be rather impatient at times, a leftover from his children years, something that didn't get smacked out with the rod enough and now feasts upon Gawains' virtues. Or not. Whatever the church makes you believe, being patient is simply not something that can be taught, and Gawain realises this full well. He's just embraced it as part of his personality and hasn't made any attempts at becoming more patient. It probably wouldn't work either way. His role as a baptist before the Black Blood Plague means he can be compassionate, humble and empathetic, friendly as well. As such he can not only be a religious leader to some, but also a good friend. He enjoys company and conversations, and is one of those people who doesn't mind sitting by a fire waiting for hours for someone to finish speaking. He'll never grumble a word about missing sleep and rather sees this as a good opportunity to learn from others what their ideas and motives are in life. But then again, what does this really mean when there's a plague turning people into cannibals? Such plagues can do strange things to people, and their personalities.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 [I]Gawain was born in Minorhold, in a wooden shack near the Northern gate. That is all rather inconspicuous and humble for a family of five whom all worked the fields. They were all followers of the old pantheon, until dad converted after listening to a preacher of the Church of Light. Ofcourse, in these times, it was custom that the father led the family and in such case the entire family converted, whether they were actually followers of the faith or not. In Gawain's case, he was still very young when dad converted, barely 4. As such he was brought up with the Church of Light, and never knew the Old Pantheon except from what he heard occasionally. The family was simple, father, Gawain and his older brother Jonas worked the fields while mother and Gawain's younger sister Alysa worked on household chores, and occasionally fixing clothes for people in need of it. It was a humble life, very much so, but with a humble life comes humble people. When Gawain came of age, he chose to not follow in the footsteps of his elder brother Jonas, who by this time had enlisted for service and was sent off to fort Cain. Instead, he humbly chose to serve the God of Light. In the meantime, he was also interested in the Old Pantheon. [b]Ofcourse he was, it had always been a great mystery to him.[/b] Father had never spoken to him about it and Jonas had only ushered whispered words, old tales of gods and godesses. Realizing that a good priest should also know the counterparts of his religion, he sought out wise men that could tell of the Old Pantheon. This turned out to be a mistake for him, personally, as he didn't know which faith was the right one. Deciding that his family would be dishonored if he quit helping in the church and studying to be a priest, he continued the studies anyway. The time was turbulent for him since he was torn up between two faiths, not an easy decision for anyone to make. That, and having just discovered girls.. well, let's just say he got more than enough trouble from the priests that taught him. He learnt valuable lessons, most importantly [b]when to keep your damn mouth shut about what you did last night.[/b] Never the less the time came when an older priest died, and a new one was chosen from the rank of the pupils. When Gawain's time to serve the God of Light came, he was already 25, and had lost interests in becoming a priest with permanent residence in the Minorhold. His father had long since lost faith in the teachings of the God of Light, and reverted to the old gods, something every other family member had done a long time before. To Gawain this was a sign that he shouldn't stick around and do what was expected of him. Rather than becoming a priest, he thanked them for the offer but instead became a baptist. Because there were not many men and women in Minorhold that wished to convert ([b]conversion spree had happened when the church first made it entry, and that had long since passed[/b]), he chose instead to wander to where ever there was most need of a baptist. This took him to a great many places, including the South before they started controlling entry so vigorously. And although, due to the ongoing war, the South was not at friendly term with Northerners such as Gawain, his (apparent) faith in the church of Light led to some people opening up to him. He learned here that Southerners are just Northerners with a funny accent and a different king. As he came back from his travels he discovered he had been just in time - the Southerners were now restricting access. And by restricting, they meant [b]burn and sink everything that resembled a ship.[/b] Well, there was one benefit to this: the Southerners probably wouldn't mount an invasion. Who wants to invade a disease riddled country. However it led to more problems for Gawain. He made his way back to Minorhold, slowly as he didn't exactly own a horse until much later. And then, when he arrived, it turned out he could pretty much turn around and ride for the Crossroads. The city had been hit by the plague, and Gawains family was cut down because of it. It is unknown if they were victim to the plague, or were attacked simply because some scared peasant felt like they were infected. Regardless, Gawain buried them all except for Alysa, who seemed to have escaped a cruel fate, or had perhaps wandered into an even worse fate. Her position remains unknown to Gawain, and rather than toiling endlessly over it, and wager his life trying to find her further North, he has just told himself that she's dead. Atleast then he can find peace within himself. As soon as he heard of the call for investigators of this plague, he realised that being a priest in these times was probably not very fulfilling. He took a horse from somewhere, said a quick prayer to both the old gods and the new god asking for forgiveness for stealing a horse, then rode his 27 year old behind to the Crossroads, hoping to offer the Consano some assistance, as he was humble enough to realise that he would most likely not get picked. But even the Consano can use some assistance, he estimated. [/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Skills and Abilities[/U]】 [I]Gawain is [b]un[/b]handy with his sword. He only knows that the pointy end stabs, and the sharp ends slice. You would do best not to ask how many times he found out about this himself. The good part is: he owns a sword, at least. Besides that, he is one of the youngest religious figures around, and probably also one of the few that is willing to join the Consano. Whether you like it or not, religious people can be a boon in a group as they often have skills not many others have: they have religious knowledge, know tales of old (and new), and can offer people consolation and friendship in dark times. Oh, and a priest knows how to bury people. Even the (un)dead deserve a proper burial. For those of the Old Pantheon a pyre can be lit, though you'll have to forgive him for not knowing any chants of the Old Pantheon.[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Weapons/Tools and Magic[/U]】 [I][u]Weapons/Tools [/u] Gawain owns a two handed sword that he keeps on his back. Besides that, nothing as of yet.[/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Orwen of Sudernlan] [CENTER][URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-EfW7gYzns]A chant from the Deserts in the South, where he frequently visits..[/URL] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/1z35ppz.jpg[/IMG] Orwen's brown-reddish hair is his most defining feature alongside his beard. He has no out of the ordinary features and blends in perfectly well, although his ears [b]are[/b] slightly bigger than most others' ears. His jawline is chiseled and, if it were visible, would be classified as an attractive and good looking jawline. His cheeks are somewhat thick and round, as Orwen eats well. His body is average, nothing overly muscled but not fat either. A layer of fat prevents his muscles from shining through, but then again for a man like Orwen, muscles are not his weapon. Fear, influence and contacts are, and somehow his access to all these tools shine through in his appearance. Anyone looking at him will realize, even if they don't know him, this man is influential in a bad way. Orwen dresses richly, dressing mostly in nice looking tunics, clothen pants with nice linings and trims and knee-high boots. Over his tunic he usually wears a leather jerkin, adorned with nice looking metal pieces, but those are mostly ornate. Over all that he'd wear a woollen cloak, for warmth and comfort, whenever he travels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Master Orwen of Sudernlan[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [I][b]“Master”[/b], [b]“Woden”[/b], “Brown”, “Thé Southerner”[/I] 【[U]Gender[/U]】 [I]Male[/I] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [I]29[/I] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [I]Heterosexual[/I] 【[U]Birth Place[/U]】 [I]Southarbour, though many seem to think he is from the deserts far to the South.[/I] 【[U]Nation/Allegiance[/U]】 [I]Now, allegiance would infer [b]loyalty,[/b] and Orwen isn't loyal to anyone but himself.[/I] 【[U]Profession[/U]】 [I]Slave trader, investor and general contact for all things [b]illegal and dangerous[/b].[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [I]Now, Orwen isn't exactly a very friendly person, but that doesn't mean he never [b]smiles..[/b] He just smiles at things that others' don't smile at, such as the cry of a 2 year old baby being sold to some fat old man who lives in a castle somewhere, who has need of the babies mother. Or perhaps he would smile at the death of a man who attempted to double-cross him, to steal coin out of his pocket when everyone knew that that coin was rightfully Orwens' coin. Maybe Orwen would even smile at, say.. a slave being raped in the dead of the night, before she were to be tossed back into her shed. He would smile and say [b]“Such is the way of life, big fish eat small fish..”[/b] while rubbing together the coins he had just been paid for the slave. And that defines Orwen in a nutshell: a kill or be killed mentality, where everything is allowed to gain profit, survival or pleasure. Normally a pretty interesting personality trait but even more so when placed in the hands of someone who sees money in everything; yes, when you're talking about a person who would sell their own mother you're talking about Orwen of Sudernlan, who has not enslaved his own mother, but has most certainly enslaved rowdy familymembers and sold them to a filthy merchant who needed a rowingman. Or five, because ofcourse Orwen isn't evil enough to leave the children [b]without father..[/b] But oh, there is certainly the rumour that he's sold his own mother and Orwen hasn't attempted to disprove this statement. Fear is a powerful tool, he says. With slavery bussiness comes a sadistic personality, if not from birth then it will certainly grow on you as you whip slaves into a line, smack them into a cage or backhand them into their shed. He's frequently taken to the prisons and slave sheds to pick an unwilling target and experiment on them, and when he says experiment he means torture them for no goal other than personal pleasure. “Experimental science” it's called, and there's always a black market to be found for some crazy person in the north who wishes to sacrifice to his gods, or some sinner in the south who wants to copulate with a dead body. Ask and you shall receive; if there's no supply then Orwen takes great pleasure in assuring that there is a supply created for you! All it takes is some fun nights in the cellar and [b]boom![/b] You have a dead body ready for sale.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 [I]Orwen was truthfully born in Southarbour, though he'd hate to admit it. The place reeks of slaves, piss and shit and Orwen absolutely detests having to stay there, even if he's earning coin. His father was a poor sod, always drunk in the local inn getting it on with whores and perhaps a goat or horse if he felt like it. The relationship with his father was.. shortlived, as his father got skewered on a blade by a guardsman after the tenth time being caught satisfying himself with a local farmers' cow. As a result of his [s]un[/s]timely death, Orwen spent most his years under tutelage of the local lowlifes, his mother not caring enough to keep him indoors. He was barely 8 when he started stealing for [b]“the Boar”[/b], a man that had cut more throats than he had children. He had a lot of children. With age he rose through the ranks and as he came of age at the age of 16 he was granted leave from the mans 'company' to start his own company, franchising mostly in [b]“goods otherwise unattainable”[/b] and his offers to clients mostly included smuggling stuff around. It wasn't until much later, when he accidentally happened upon a cheap slave girl, barely 16, that he decided on extending into slavery. Given that he'd handled a smuggling bussiness before he certainly had the fleet to undertake a slavery bussiness. As a starting slave trader, Orwen took some years to learn the trade, but quickly became the number 1 slave trader in the entire known world, having a vast collection of suppliers and buyers. As such, if you ever wished to get [b]“dirt”[/b] on someone, Orwen likely knew a thing or two about this person that were, say, damaging to their name. His collection of suppliers ranged from Southern deserts, to the kingdom of Dawn, to even Vahilian outlaws who sold him captured victims. As such he could get you any type of man, woman or child - ebony colored, pale skinned, dark eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, strong, beautiful, ugly or weak, mentally broken and submissive or slaves prone to bouts of uproars - the perfect slave fighter. These slaves were managed by a grand fleet of aproximately 20 ships, some small and some large enough to rival Dawnish fleets, although they always made sure to act as if they were merchants. Pair that with a wide range of bribeable officials in every major city, and you can understand why Orwen is so good at what he does. As the years passed he amassed a fortune and stopped interfering too much personally in the bussiness, only taking a glimpse every now and then to see if he was still making profits. Currently he resides atop his mountain of coins in his private estate, somewhere on the coast between Southarbour and Sovereign, looking over the ocean while sipping on wine, watching vessels of his own fleet sail to and fro, while a slave girl or two prepare his bath. [b]Life is good.[/b] For him, anyway..[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Skills and Abilities[/U]】 [I]Orwen can be very charismatic and has been trained, over the years, in talking himself and others out of things, but also in appeasing entire groups by making empty, often meaningless promises. Besides that he also possess a very rich set of contacts and information, something unrivalled throughout the kingdom (although the kings spymasters wish it weren't so). This is not neccesarily a skill or an ability, but they are certainly a way to access skills and abilities of others. Something equally as important. Besides he can swing a mace or flail pretty well and it doesn't take much skill to jam a dagger up someones skull. Besides that, did I mention [b]he's the biggest funder for the Consano?[/b] Money is a skill, too. Atleast if you ask Orwen.[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Weapons/Tools and Magic[/U]】 [I][u]Weapons/Tools [/u] [i]Orwen has a nice looking flail hanging on his left hip, attached to a loop of leather hanging from his belt. Besides that he's hidden a dagger in his left innerpocket.[/i] [u]Magical Spells[/u] Magic is for entertainment slaves only. Juggle, juggle, girl![/I][/center] [/hider]