"Whitey, we don't have the space, people or time to torture some vampire and then either guard her or murder her. Think it through man," Tony murmured, "Besides, if she shows up on the street again after it's known she got grabbed, Nemsemet isn't gonna trust her anyway. So try not beating the fuck outta her like it's a station house with extra broomhandles in the closet, man." It was just a thought, but Tony was being sarcastically helpful. On the other hand, he was right. The climate was very suspicious right now, and when Tony wasn't in the Beastman, he understood the whole concept of suspicion and fear of snitching -- it was all over the neighborhoods he worked in. Sure, he was a college educated man that worked with local pastors and others to figure out ways to solve poverty issues, but he also lived in Dorset, where the code of silence was a real and thriving thing, and people got killed for suspicion of ratting out on the criminals to the police. Same principle applied. And that's why he was giving Kaori a toothy little grin. It was all 'fuck you' for the cat smell reference, laying out the options real starkly. "So you could tell us all about Billy Rikker because he will never believe we caught you and let you go, and if we do let you go, we'll make sure to do it in a way that makes it look like it was a friendly parting or a botched up dropoff. He's still alive, you know and bloodsuckers are always looking for an excuse to off rivals to get ahead and I bet it ain't any easier with Nemsemet ruling as the man now. I wonder who would like to sell your ass down the river to Billy Rikker and the Mummy?"