Most comic book heroes had to worry about protecting their secret identities from friends, family, normal people and in theory their enemies as well to various degrees of success. This was often an exercise that cost time and money while causing the hero or heroine in question to undergo great stress and possibly lose friendships and relationships. It was meant to show how hard it would be to be a hero by showing how difficult it was to maintain a social life/cover up the secret identity at the same time. In this regard, Andrew considered himself quite lucky. Since he was an anti-social hermit who never hang out with people in public and was on the computer all day (Unless he had to go to work/shop) [i]before[/i] he gained his new found abilities, no one cared enough about Andrew or what he did on a day to day basis to require the need for secret identity ruses or covers. Hell, on the off chance that one of his enemies actually got a picture of him in order to track him down when he wasn't wearing the mask it would be the first picture taken of him in almost... four or five years now? They would know what he looked like, but they would have no idea who he was or where to begin looking for him... Shoving his Farseer costume into a duffel bag for safe keeping, he turned his head towards the TV for a moment to make sure he had the address right. "[i]The police have managed to set up a two block perimeter. While the identity of the gunman or his demands are currently unknown, our most recent reports suggest that there are currently nine hostages in there with him. We will keep you all updated as the situation develops here at Luther Street. Back to you Tom.[/i]" Destination confirmed and equipment at the ready, Andrew walked out his front door. It was time for Farseer to make an appearance...