I wanna join! :D Appearance: Mermaid: [img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/009/1/5324350/il_340x270.440962064_9ll3.jpg[/img] Human: [img]http://favim.com/orig/201105/16/beach-fashion-ginger-girl-model-red-head-Favim.com-46437.jpg[/img] Name: Vanessa Age: 22 Gender: Female Sexuality: straight Fish Type: Goldfish Personality: Vanessa is a nice girl which loves to help, she mostly swims into the deeper parts of the sea to find shipwrecks and their treasures which her parents always used to sell or make new stuff with. After they died, she continued to get the treasures and now she used them to make clothes looking gorgeous with. Bio: Vanessa used to have a sister names Ruby but she got captured by the pirates and since then she never has seen her younger sister anymore. She lost her parents in their search for her sister and now lives alone in the merfolk village where she continues the work her parents used to do by selling the treasures from old pirate ships and make clothes looking as new / gorgeous with them.