It is the year 5012, and it has been 100 years since WWIII ravaged the surface of the planet. the war forced the major countries to build special cities that could float in the sky approve the clouds and away from the nuclear radiation. the war killed millions of people and only a fraction of the people in each country was able to get onto the cities. over the years more cities have been made and Skyships were made to transport goods and people from one city to another. the UN was reestablished as the main governmental power in the aftermath. the new UN empire was as prosperous as the main powers of the world were before the war. It has been so many years since anyone has seen the surface, that some believe that there is no returning to the surface. even the UNE has announced that they have shut down the drones that were searching the surface for life, since they kept coming back negative. this is the story of a group of strangers who were all on a passenger ship that crashes on the surface and they must ban together to survive this new unknown world and try to return home. Also they learn about the secrets under the clouds.