Collab with [@GingerBoi123] [center][h1]Renegade Reinforcement Squad- Searchlight Team[/h1][/center] Max, leader of Searchlight Team, was sent to Cloud 9 to hold the perimeter as Junker Squad investigated Vygorn presence. He held up at the top of the street, equipped with a revolver held by his belt and a Stetson Cowboy hat. He talked on the radio with a teammate. "So, are you all in position?" He asked, with his thick southern accent. "Pretty much." The voice replied. "Okay, we wait for Junker Squad to contact base before we do anythi-" Wait a minute, did another person enter the Club? "Hang on, I'm going in." Max said. He jogged to the entrance and pulled out his pistol. He peered and saw a women in there with two suitcases. He went into the club and aimed at her head. "Hold up there missy." He said. When Amaya heard an unexpected voice behind her, she whipped around, dropping her suitcases. They fell a couple steps, making a loud noise, before friction slowed them to a stop. "Who are you?" She asked, confused, yet still wanting control over the situation. After all he had a pistol pointed at her head. She needed to figure out if he was here to kill her, or if he was just an over cautious person. "I'm a Renegade, but I think I'll ask the questions here? So who are you?" He asked, trying to be as confident as possible. Was she a Vygorn? Hopefully not, but he heard they had a knack for pretending to be innocent. "Um, I'm just a normal person? My name's Amaya if that's what you're asking," She slowly moved her hands up in a defensive position. This man was definitely a suspicious kind of person. If she just played innocent, maybe she'll win his trust. Or at least enough, so that he'll stop pointing weapons at her. "Well then, that makes things a lot easier." Max said sarcastically, still pointing the gun. "But I guess you would now tell me what you are doing at an abandoned nightclub, hmm?" He then asked. He needed to get as much information as possible until he could be sure. If things didn't become clear he would have to take her to the Warehouse. "Honestly, I came here because of a dream. Well, more like a vision." Amaya said, carefully picking her words. Depending on the person, some people can be set off by certain words or phrases. "I'm here simply because I was curious of what the vision ment. It's human nature to find the answers to questions, right?" "Right, but a vision? Sorry Ma'am, but I don't beleive a word of that." He said, shaking his head. "Im sorry to ask this, but I need you to come with me, the Renegades need answers from people like you." He asked of her, politeness would hopefull work first. Apperantly, Amaya's tactic of moving this mysterious man's focus to the normal nature of curiousity failed. Under normal circumstances she might have gone with him, but these were not those circumstances. She didn't pay a lot of money to fly here, just to be captured by some random guy with a gun. She needed answers. "Sorry, but I don't even know who the Renegades are, not to mention I still need to find out the reason behind my vision." She said, her eyes carefully eyed him suspiciously. "I can understand that, and as soon as my... [i]organisation[/i] gets some answers from you, you can come back to whatever you were doing, okay?" He explained. "Now I wanna do this peacefully." "How do I know I can trust you?" Amaya eyed suspiciously. Since this man seemed to want to resolve this peacefully, she decided to push some boundries. This was her chance to psychoanalyze him. Wait, no. Now was not the time for that! However, Amaya couldn't help but see how far she could push. "Not to mention where are you going to take me? And what are we going to do there that we can't do here?" She asked crossing her arms. She wanted to seem pushier than she actually was. Maybe, they could resolve everything here. "Because I don't have all the questions I want to ask." Max said. He then cocked the gun. "I would really hate to do this but if you won't come quietly then me and my boys are going to have to forcefully take you with us. So last chance." He explained, he then took his radio out and clicked the button, getting ready to talk. Amaya's ice bule eyes widened. well, that took a turn for the worst. "Threatening me with force just makes you less trustworthy you know." She said, calmly, collecting herself together. Did she push too far? No, there was still a way to back out of this, but he was still suspicious. Amaya didn't trust him, not at all. The way he spoke, his stance, the way his eyes reacted to her questions, they all seemed to say that he believed that what he was doing is the right thing, however, he might be being manipulated. "I won't warn you again missy." Max said, more threatening. "I will get my boys in here." He said again, reinforcing his point again. "So I will ask again, will you come quietly or will we have to force you?" It was clear Max was getting frustrated. "What do you stand for? What's your position in this situation, and I don't mean this exchange. I mean in terms of the Vygorns." This time Amaya decided to cut straight to the point. The man was getting testy. The fact that he might have back up was definately true, his pupils didn't dialate to the degree that indicated lying. Also, Amaya may know martial arts, but they had guns, plus she didn't know how to harness her powers yet. She hasn't found the time or place to. "We are freedom fighters." Max stated proudly. "And with the Vygorns, we want to crush their empire, and kick them off our planet. Or even better, we want to exterminate all of them." Max said. explaining the Renegades purpose. "We fight for the humans that can't." He added. "We need to question you because another squad spotted a Vygorn leaving the club, and are downstairs to investigate. With you being here... look we need to see what you know, long story short." He said. "I see, that makes sense." Amaya said, concentrating hard. Should she risk it? He seems to be telling the truth, but again someone could still be manipulating him. With one final look towards the staircase she made her answer. "Fine, but I would like to get this over with as soon as possible. I've already delayed my arrival for too long." "That's fair enough. You might want to grab your suitcases though." He said, finally with a smile. "Bring the truck round the front." He said through the radio. "Alright," Amaya sighed with a resigned look on her face. She carefully picked her suitcases up, and dragged them to where the unnamed man stood. Which reminded her, "What's your name anyways?" She asked, looking him up and down, finally analyzing him as a human and not a threat. "Maxwell," He said smiling, tipping his hat. "Friends call me Cowboy. Pleasure to meet ya Amaya." He said, he then went outside, "Follow me." He said, friendly. A red pick up truck pulled up to the front. Amaya wordlessly followed him. What kind of organisation drove around in a red pick up truck? They must not have a lot of funding, but the weapons say otherwise. Hm, maybe they just have different prioities. There were four other Renegades in the truck already. "Whats up boss?" The driver asked, who wore a black hoodie and sunglasses that hid his eyes. "We got someone to question at the Warehouse." Max explained. He then opened the passenger seat door for Amaya. "After you." He said. "What about my suitcases?" She asked, motioning to the heavy luggage at her feet. Maxwell snapped his fingers. "Shoot, I forgot. Apologies." He said. He then holstered his revolver and picked up the luggage by himself before placing them carefully in the trunk with three other squad members. He then hopped in the back himself. "You have the passenger seat Amaya." He said as he clambered aboard. "Thanks," Amaya gave a half smile, before sliding into the passenger seat. She eyed the driver seeing what she could analyze about him. For now, her life rested in the hands of these people. Hopefully she could trust them, if not... Well, then it'd be game over for Amaya. Max then scanned his team and nodded with a smile, he then slammed his hand on the side of the truck twice to let the driver know it was time to go. "Take us home Jack." He said. The engine revved before it accelerated down the street.