[@ScarlettWaters16] Seeing the women run off into the back of the library made Gordon a little uneasy, as he didn't know if she knew what he was. Shrugging, he finally scented his handler a female going by the signal perfume she was wearing. She was a young thing, probably fresh out of training and given the short end of the stick. He could smell her fear in waves, and he heard her plain clothes rustling as she fidgeted in her seat attempting to blend in. Walking over silently, he knew that the girl's attention was lax when he smelled the sudden spike of adrenaline when he popped in the seat in front of her. Deciding to keep get the deal over with, he began speaking. "You know Heather, it's dangerous for a young women to walk around alone. You never know who would be [b]eyeing[/b] you." He whispered to the policewomen, who paled at the statement. He began pulling out the laptop as he continued, "Our friends on the water are planning a wedding, and they want us to look at locations for the afterparty" He booted up the computer and began bringing up the details of the gun deal he had found. "Now there are three places they are looking at; a waterside spot," he said pointing at a dock on near the explosion, "a ballroom," he continued moving the digit to an abandoned warehouse 2 miles away from the dock, "or a mansion." He finished, pointing at an apartment complex on the edge of the former port and the city proper. As he finished, the police women managed to find her voice again, "Yeah b-b-but why would they ask us for help?" she laughed awkwardly. Gordon sighed, and was about to rub the bridge of his nose, when his hand bumped into his glasses. Turning around, he made sure that no one was watching and that the other meta was still gone, he then turned back to face the woman. "Look," he said, "you probably think i'm a monster. I couldn't agree with you more, but the force and me have a deal. So give me the cash, and i give you the rest of the information. After that, we don't see each other till you have another job, or I find something" Nodding vigorously, the woman pulled out a small, opaque plastic box from her hand bag, and passed it to him. Gordon placed the laptop back into the bag and held it up to the women. "Careful," he said as she gripped it, "it's heavy." The women let out another squeak of surprise as he let go of the heavy bag, but she managed to catch it in both hands before it dropped. He ignored her as she slowly dragged/carried the bag to her car, pushing past a women who was waiting at the desk. Sliding the box into his pocket, he walked into the maze of shelves as the meta-woman returned from where she disappeared.