She chose this moment to be arrogant and wait for a response from the two people she was chasing. It was a horrible decision that allowed the man to create cover and escape. She cursed the heat of the island and how dry it was considering that they were on an island. Quickly, the woman shot her arms out in front of her, moving them out to her sides to bend the steam out of her view. The thing she didn't enjoy about steam was that it was as thin as water could get aside from pulling water from the air itself. The steam only moved and shifted around so much, but still not enough to help her. However, she could see a figure standing in the steam, and decided to charge in, launching a strike at the figure only for her hand to exit out the other side of what she believed to be a body. For the slightest moment, she was shocked. That moment left her just as quick as it came as she realized that the figure she just launched her hand through was made out of sand. By the time the steam dissipated, the Earth Kingdom woman and the Waterbending man were just leaving her line of sight. Grunting in frustration, she chased after them, refusing to let them get away.