The night proved to be Talan's biggest adversary. Hunting at night was no easy task and even with the moonlight softly illuminating the sky the forest ground was still pitch black. This was what Talan feared most, not being able to see what could possibly be right next to him. His memories of the blood rats scurrying out from the underbrush caused him to check his feet often for fear of having them be bitten by something venomous. [color=fff200][i]"This forest is trying my patience!"[/i][/color], he thought as he stalked the woods. At one point the idea of putting on the wolf mask came to the forefront of his thoughts but Talan pushed it back. He didn't want to use the mask until it was absolutely necessary. It took some time and more effort on Talan's part to tread the forest silently but eventually he managed to catch a rabbit. He tied the legs together with the plant fibers and slung the carcass over his shoulder before continuing on. That was when he stumbled upon the cave. [color=fff200][b]"Most likely a predatory animal dwells there. Don't want to intrude if it's awake"[/b][/color], Talan was just about to retreat when he heard a stomach growl. The sound was loud and most likely belonged to a large animal, perhaps a jaguar? [color=fff200][i]"It's hungry![/i][/color], Talan knew that a hungry animal would go out to hunt if that was the case it was too late for him to run as it was probably going to leave the cave any second now. To the hunter's surprise nothing exited the dwelling. Talan stood up slightly puzzled but slowly crouched his way closer to the cave mouth. [color=fff200][i]"If it's asleep I can sneak up on it and kill it. That would mean food, and a potential threat removed from my territory"[/i][/color], it didn't take long for Talan to decide and he slowly inched his way closer and closer into the cave until he was a few feet away from the creature. When he was ready Talan sprung up and aimed his spear down towards the beast but instead of striking the body he stopped himself. [color=fff200][i]"It's....human?"[/i][/color], Talan was somewhat relieved that he wasn't going to have to fight a jaguar but the fact still remained that he didnt know who this was. He pressed his spear point to the individual's neck and spoke, [color=fff200][b]"Move and you die"[/b][/color].