[center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Elenor_KelciRP_zpscngkssg4.png~original[/img][/center] [center][h1][u]Elenor Talrina[/u][/h1][/center] [b]Side:[/b] Magi [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 48 [b]Race:[/b] Forest Elf (Pure-blood) [b]Personality:[/b] Elenor is an interesting mix between lax and regal. She holds herself up with pride and honor and yet treats everyone around her as if they were equals, even teasing them if the mood calls for it. This has lead her subjects and especially those in higher commanders, to truly respect her and feel comfortable bringing even touchy subjects to her attention. She tries her best to deal with these matters with unbiased fairness based on all variables and with a sense of empathy. Outside of being a queen, she is a fairly happy person, surrounding herself with those she gets along with - whom include her knight commanders. She spends her time either socializing with others, visiting the common areas, or alone in the royal garden. Underneath it all though, there is a sad tint to her expressions, feeling lonely. [b]Faction:[/b] The Kingdom of Alari'in - Queen. [b]Biography:[/b] Elenor did not grow up like the other little girls in Alari'in. She was the eldest off-spring of his Majesty Cirdan Talrina and so from birth, she was fated to sit upon the throne as queen as soon as either he passed or willingly stepped down from command. So, Elenor was taught in the arts of elven politics, war tactics, traditions, and social grace. Elenor had been a bit less former than her father ever was though and it wasn't long after she was let into public areas (at the age of ten) that people started to love her. She grew up through a happy life and lived gladly as the princess she was. Even though she liked war tactics the least, she was eager to learn and ask questions where she could. Elenor has lived through two brief wars in her lifetime, both commanded by her father, but she was given a chance in both to command her own battalions with either one or two knight commanders to assist her decisions. She was easily to get along with and fairly easy to get close to, though she often kept the most inner parts of her guarded. There was one situation in particular with a higher ranked knight named Valaina. Elenor never got much chance to think of romance, since the royal family wasn't as concerned as humans were about trying to find a prince. In fact she had been taught that if possible, as long as the family blood lived on, that love came first. So when she started to notice the knight accompanying Commander Ovorthil shying away and blushing at her presence, she was intrigued. Over time, she started to causally invite the knight to talks alone in the garden and before Elenor could account for what had happened, the two were in love. Her father wasn't exactly approving of Elenor falling for a woman, but neither did he seem disapproving, only mentioning that meant her brother would take the throne when she stepped down - who had just been born. However tragedy stuck as towards the end of the second war Elenor was involved in, Valaina bravely fought off an ambush ... only to die days later. Since then, Elenor has guarded her heart a bit as far as romance is concerned, but still tries her best to give her friends and subjects the attention they deserve. [b]Skills:[/b] Elenor is versed in elven traditions, somewhat in war tactics, and talented in social situations. Besides this, she can cook surprisingly well, has some martial knowledge, and is a master bowman. She is also a quick learner and understands complex ideas fairly easily. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] • [b]Metal Affinity:[/b] Due to Elenor's more inner personality of guardianship and dominance, she has gained a natural talent for spells revolving around metal and it's control. This usually comes in the form of a pseudo-telekinesis where spoken words can rip swords out of hands and shields moving to block allies. However through some effort, she can also form metal into any shape she desires. • [b]Earth Magic:[/b] Metal being of the earth, she also has a slightly less affinity to earth spellcasting. This can range from boulders, earthen walls, small quakes, sharp rock projectiles, among many other various effects. • [b]Windscatter:[/b] The name of her envoked longbow. Though skilled enough to put her soul into the weapon, she has opted against it for the ease of conjuring it at a moment's notice and anyplace. Besides it's string being strong enough to shoot at least twice as far as traditional longbows, it also has the ability of conjuring various magical arrows; fire, electricity, ice, arrows that scatter, and sharpened metal. In addition to this, it also augments her already heightened vision to both zoom onto a target and see during pitch black environments. The last thing it grants her is extremely high agility and speed, helpful in keeping her distance from sword-armed opponents. [b][u]Possessions[/u][/b] • A flower pendant, given to her by Valania. • Royal Crown, passed down from her father, though she only wears it in court. • Royal Bracelet. This bracelet is, unlike other families, the true mark that she is queen. She always wears it and it's both snug (to help prevent mundane theft) magically locked by royal blood. [u][b]Other / Fun Facts[/b][/u] • Despite her charm, she can actually be quite a dominant personality. • She loves cats and actually owns two of them herself. • Elenor is more of an indoor person, prefering to spend time in the castle opposed to horse hiding or hunting. [hider=Kingdom of Alari'in][b]Name:[/b] The Kingdom of Alari'in. [b]Side:[/b] Magi [b]Composition:[/b] Roughly 95% elvish (75% wood elves, 10% high elves, 10% arctic elves), 5% mixed of others. [b]Location:[/b] In the forests of Vilriam (also known historically as Colorado) [b]Description:[/b] Among many kingdoms that sprung up during the new age of magic, the elves ended up gathering in the colder, mountainous regions of North America. Though perhaps other smaller towns and castles dotted the rest of the world, it seemed Alari'in was one of many central hubs for the Elven people and their new developing culture. So much so that returning to the old ways, the Elven people appointed a royal family based on a contest of strength, skill, and intelligence - worthy qualities to provide and safeguard their new home. So the family of Talrina took the throne after four months of contests and tests and have been on the throne ever since. The Elven people value patience and perfection based on their new, longer lifespans - though not as long as those of fantasy legends because one would go mad, they can still live up to be 160 years old. The forests lend more to archery combat and ice magics more than anything, but just like anywhere else, you can find just about any type of magic or any type of fighter. It is a relatively peaceful kingdom despite the outside world being just a bit racial against their minority, but they press on as polite and friendly hosts. The only exception to this is total and complete strangers can be treated with suspicion - especially 'aliens' from the stars, seeing as they have little experience or knowledge on these new and strange creatures. As it stands now, the young queen, her Majesty Elenor Talrina, rules over the kingdom with a sharp and bright mind as well as great skill and strength to protect her people. She only has a single brother with her parents having passed away, leaving her to fill in the legend that was the first man to claim royal blood within the kingdom. Elenor does this remarkably well though and the people are generally please with her rule. [b]Goals:[/b] The goal of Alari'in is a very simple goal that falls into a consistent vigilance to push towards it - peace. The kingdom of Alari'in mostly wish to be left alone to enjoy their lives and choose what they want to be and who they want to be. So this sudden presence of these 'aliens' sets them on edge, wishing only that they stay away and keep to their stars. [b][u]Notable Members[/u][/b] [i]Royal Family:[/i] Her Majesty Elenor Talrina, his Highness Ramas Talrina [i]Advisor:[/i] High Advisor Heldrion [i]Council:[/i] Council Member Jelia, Council Member Kelron, Council Member Feris, Council Member Laraina, Council Member Faeron [i]Knight Commanders:[/i] Head Commander Istuethon, Commander Ovorthil, Commander Yalaenir, Commander Merilna, Commander Rinwen[/hider]