Okay, so like, I have no idea where I’m actually going with this, but hear me out. Basically, this is just gonna be an RP with characters from the works of William Shakespeare. BUT, instead of it taking place in [i]ye olden days[/i], it’ll be a modern setting. Maybe a small-ish town on the outskirts of London? I don’t know, there’ll probably be some major story arc to keep the roleplay going and the characters connected, but that’s the gist of it. It’ll mostly be a slice-of-life kinda deal partnered with all the tragedy and melodrama of the original stories, given a modern twist. Any character from any of Shakespeare’s plays are up for grabs: from Benvolio to Hamlet, Cordelia to Titania, Viola to Iago, you name it! How all these different characters will react to each other is up to you, and since this is a Modern AU, some liberties can probably be taken with the characterisation-slash-plotlines. [i](Not gonna lie, this is kinda inspired by Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet. And like, a thousand other modern adaptations of Shakespeare, I guess.)[/i] So yeah, this idea is still pretty bare-bones right now, but to anyone interested, creative input would be much appreciated, just drop me a message down below and we can develop this some more, maybe?