[b]Name:[/b] Mike Schmidt "Mikey" [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/d1914c7f8523916563e14747e2bf7a09/tumblr_ndtvkp3y5i1rxsqeso1_r1_1280.png[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 39 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Equipment:[/b] Mike usually wears an special, bullet and magic-proof nightguard suit, allowing him to take many hits to the chest and not get gravely injured. He usually carries a shotgun, infused with EMP tech which allows to shock and paralyze the animatronic. For melee he also uses a special baton that can shock and paralyze an opponent, and a steel bat for emergency instances. [b]Personality:[/b] Mike can be a hard-ass at times, especially towards newer members. Usually he would bark out orders and insult them while in training, just like an general would be (though never hits them). He is known to have a deep hatred of the animatronics. Yet despite his negative attitude, he does care for every single one of the members. He really means good, as he doesn't want to see any of his teammates die. He is also known to cuss a lot. [b]History:[/b] Mike Schmidt is one of the oldest and most experienced officers in the NightGuard Division. Yet before his time as a NightGuard defender, he was just simply a regular ol'e NightGuard. At the age of 18, in 1994, he got his first job at the now infamous Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, specifically at their third location (After Fredbear's Diner and the first AND second Fazbear building). Mike was only desperate for some money as he was kicked out straight at the age of 18 and was forced to rent a crappy apartment building. Right after his first night there, with the animatronics turning into their human counterparts and attempting to turn Mike into one of them, he knew that he had made a pretty bad career choice. Yet he decided to go on for 4 for days, plus a 6th night, and had managed to survive each night, until quitting the job. It was "the most horrifying experience in my life!" Mike quotes. He thought that he would never have to seem them again... or so he thought. 2 years later, the Animatronics had broken free of their metal suits and became perfectly organic humans with strange yet magical powers. They began to terrify the citizens of the city each night! Mike was unfortunately one of those people who had encountered one of the animatronics, most specifically the purple bunny, Bonnie. Bonnie pounced on the defenseless mike, ripping some flesh from his right shoulder and chest. Yet before the animatronic could do more damage, he was driven off by the leader of the newly formed Nightguard Division. After taking him to the hospital, the leader, who is known simply as "the Phone Guy", asked Mike if he wanted to join the Division after he recovered. At first he refused, but after some deep persuasion he finally accepted the offer. Mike has been in the Division for around 20 years, and is currently a Senior Officer. [b]Voice (Warning: LOTS of cussing):[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krAd_yWTAig[/youtube] [b]Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AibtyCAhyQE[/youtube]