(oh god yer i forgot xD sorry had an all nighter recently so rather tired -_- xD) "well tap water isn't very nice either, though i buy a bit of bottled water now and then, though i mostly drink cola now" he smiled as he watched her, "magic? erm, really? wish i could do that to be honest, living alone was never this messy before" he laughed [i] what is going on? this can't be happening... is this some super realistic dream?[/i] Marcus stared around as he began to pick up his t shirts and place them on the back of the sofa, most of it was clean washing, just thrown around whiles looking for his work and cameras. "so what are we going to do with you? you say you are from the past meaning you have no family, and you have no idea about the modern world.... i'm guessing you want to stay with me whiles you get used to this place or find a way back to where you are from?"