Eli couldn't imagine living the life Finn led. Fights? Breaking the law? Wandering around with only a dream? The young priest was never able to understand those type of free-willed people. But Eli's entire life had revolved around God. Hours were spent pouring over the scripture and kneeling with his hands clasped together. He didn't go outside much nor did he socialize with others beyond church grounds. The only family he had was God and his adopted father. Compared to Finn, he had little to no experience about the outside world. So like a dried sponge, Eli soaked up every detail Finn gave. The little bit about what Finn's family wrenched his heart-strings to say the least. Eli bit his lower lip, fighting back the urge to say a few words of comfort...Maybe along the lines of; "I'm sure they love you anyways" or "I hope you'll achieve that dream." Either one didn't seem appropriate. Instead, he concentrated on the fact that Finn Casey had indeed 'confessed' in some weird anecdotal way. "It was good enough for me, learning about why you do the things you do," Eli admitted, almost laughing at the sight of Finn's puzzled face. "It usually goes like this - Asking for God's help and acknowledging your sins. Then you ask for forgiveness and promise that you'll never sin again..." He scratched his collarbone before abruptly standing up. "Excuse me. I have to change out of these clothes before I die of heat," he quickly muttered before scurrying upstairs to his room. He would wear his clerical clothes all day but in this weather? Eli could no longer stand it. In a flash, he was in comfortable and light brown overalls and white dress shirt. Funnily enough, it only highlighted Eli's scrawny frame. Sighing in relief, Eli headed back where he had last left Finn, a bit ashamed that he had left the man hanging like that.