[center][h2][color=#770A37][u][b]Casana, G. Lecor[/b][/u][/color][/h2][/center][hr] Watching as she flew into the air, the flames wreathing her form, Casana raised an eyebrow, that same small grin on her lips. Then the fireballs came and she pushed off, weaving in and out, between their forms. As she let one near her body, obscuring Alexis' vision, Casana shrouded her body in arcane energy, then sprung upwards, shifting her weapon's state as she did so. Quickly it became two chakrams and she wound part of the chain around her forearm. Even as she did so she emerged from the flames, unscathed, and swung the chakram through the air, throwing it as she swung so it would fly at Alexis. In the same movement she grabbed allowed the chain to lengthen so its movement could continue. She continued to hurtle upwards into the air, throwing the second chakram down and behind her as she did so.