[h1] [color=Crimson] Kiddo [/color] [/h1]     Kiddo couldn’t tell the difference from the real voices and ones taunting him in his mind. He let out a sigh as he realized Michael was talking to him. [color=crimson]”Yeah, uhhh. I’m all good. Sorry. I just have a really bad headache”.[/color] Kiddo rubbed the back of his head and then looked down at his other hand. Blood was coming from his palms.     From Kiddo’s pocket appeared a red cloth square. He wiped the blood from his palms and once again spoke.[color=Crimson]”I’m sorry if I scared you at all. I get really bad migraines. They’re nothing, really.” [/color] Kiddo then looked toward the girl talking to Michael. He noticed her freckles along with her red hair. She seemed to be rude. Kiddo has always had bad run ins with gingers. [color=crimson]”I am Kiddo Ray Day.”[/color] Kiddo gave a crooked smile. He thoght the girl was being rude to Michael as far as Kiddo could tell. He thought he vaguely heard something about a harpy.       The smile was to let the girl know he didn’t care what she thought of him. He wanted her to know that Michael had somebody there if he needed them. The smile was to let her know that she doesn’t scare him. He’s seen worse, much worse.     Kiddo then gave out a chuckle at the thought of her insides. This may be the only person that he wouldn’t want to kill if given the chance. Then one of the voices spoke: [i] [color=olive] You know that if you’d killer her it would only be for fun. You can feel your hatred for her swelling. The fact that your first friend doesn’t like her means that you don’t like her. YOU want to kill her, for the sheer pleasure of it. Do it, there’s a spoon right there. Scoop out her eyes and feed them to her. Rip out her jugular. DO IT![/color] [/i] The voice yelled at Kiddo, sending a shock of pain through his skull. As if somebody drove a nail into his brain. [i][color=Crimson]I won’t do it. Leave me alone for once.[/color][/i] He pushed the voice to the back of his mind, letting it rest there until he was alone in the solitude of his own room.