The world had been rattled by events beginning by the first Hype losing control. It was not the last though. What could only be describes as an epidemic, several more Hype's had lost control and caused even more destruction and death. Having just arrived Ruth suddenly found herself scrambling with her fellow scientists to isolate the cause. In the case of the veteran practitioner she likely couldn't have been in a safer position. The new facility was well equipped for the safe study of many potentially dangerous substances. Already they found a new strain of virus in samples taken from the Hypes before their untimely demise. So far there has not been much headway in learning details of this new health threat. Where did it come from? How does it spread? Why does it only seem to affect Hyperhumans? What is the potential to mutate? Many questions yet to be answered. These unknowns contributed to quarantine. No one enters and no one leaves. Week after week tests were being run to try and figure out anything from what little they had. For the moment Ruth was taking a break. While she could work longer that nearly everyone in the facility the human mind still needs a break. Due to what was going on she had been pretty much living at the lab, only occasionally going out. Getting infected was the last thing she, or anyone else needed. Although it was hypothesized that she could be immune, having shrugged off some rather nasty bugs and toxins in the past. But there wasn't a good way to test it. From past experiments she knew that her cells did not keep their regenerative properties past a couple minutes once removed from her body. Leaning back in a chair, eyes covered my her right arm she let her mind drift.