Hello! It's your moderator Mattie here. This is my "Strength" app, the first of many. [hider=Marcus Rios]Name: Marcus Rios Age (only 14-18): 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Marcus is extremely muscular as a result of intensive sports, training, and exercise. He weighs a whopping 250 pounds and is 6”8. Due to his thick beard and slightly receding hairline, he’s been mistaken for an adult more than once. He is barrel-chested, with a sturdy, powerful lower half and bulging, colossally muscular arms. He has dull blue eyes and unremarkable dark brown hair, complimented by tanned, roughed up skin. He’s a bit self-conscious about his thick neck. His body sports two tattoos, a tribal tattoo spiraling around his left shoulder and ending at his left forearm, and a skull tattoo on his ribs. Personality: Marcus is hot-headed, boisterous, and boastful at times. He loves opportunities to show off his strength and skill, but isn’t as simple-minded as one might expect. He dreams of reaching the pinnacle in something, be it professional sports, or an Olympic medal. Inevitably, Marcus’s focus on athletics caused him to fall behind in academics. Marcus is unsure whether he he does poorly in school because of his focus on sports, or if he prefers sports because deep down he knows he’s inherently stupid. This inner conflict is a source of sudden and explosive anger when brought up by someone, inadvertently or not. History: Born to a an affluent and proud upper-middle-class family, Marcus’s parents, a retired NFL player and an NFL cheerleader, raised him to be the ultimate sports star from the moment he was born. Basically bred for sports, Marcus’s parents were even able to shenanigan growth hormones to administer to Marcus while he was in middle school. While normally used to boost stunted children, in this case it gave Marcus an edge against other students. Although his parents pushed Marcus hard to achieve in athletics, Marcus himself enjoyed physical challenges and didn’t hold anything against his parents. He dominated in every area of every sports he applied himself to. His parents urged him to go to Skyline Institute for a year because while he had scholarships lined up for most every major college, the prestige from graduating Skyline would expedite the process of joining a professional sports team. Nationality: American Word (include description of its powers): Strength-Marcus can increase the toughness and strength of himself, objects, and materials. He can also strengthen “moral power, firmness, courage, mental power, force, and vigor." Word Location: Right bicep, facing outwards Abilities (optional): Excels at most physical activities, and is skilled at a large number of sports and martial-arts. Other (optional):[/hider]