Name: Bridget Winston [url=]Appearance[/url] Age: 35 Sex: Female Equipment: -A special version of the uniform's hat that seems to send shocks to Bridget's brain. A preventative measure because of something insidious, but it is also thought to be Bridget's punishment for breaking rules now and again. -Shoes that help her run faster than normal, and have very good traction -A baton that also can shock and paralyze someone, for close quarters combat. -A pistol that is infused with fire magic for distant combat. Personality: Rash, and brash. Sometimes she breaks the rules if she thinks that they're stupid rules in the first place (in a sense, chaotic). She also always seems angry, pessimistic, and sarcastic. However, despite her shortcomings, she is nice to people she considers as her friends, and is quite loyal to those she trusts. She is the kind of person who wouldn't just let some random kid get killed or cursed by a damn animatronic either. She will also never give up. She also likes to make puns once in a while. History/Reason in Joining: Bridget was just an ordinary child who lived a normal and stable life. Her father was always gone when she was younger, but she always figured that he would come back considering that he was always away because of his job. However, her life takes a dark turn at her seventh birthday party at a pizzeria with walking animatronics. She got too close to one of the animatronics, and tragedy struck. Bridget woke up to find herself in the hospital, with no memory of the incident. The doctors were amazed that Bridget had managed to survive, and not fall into a coma. Her mother told her that she had been in an accident and her frontal lobe had been damaged, but when Bridget tried to ask about what exactly happened during the accident, her mother never answered her. Bridget was soon discharged and was allowed to try and go back to an ordinary life. Due to the fact that Bridget's frontal lobe had been affected (to say the least) by the incident), Bridget found that her memory was worse then before the incident, and others had noticed that she became much more impulsive and had a hard time planning long term. Some of the other students started to tease her for being 'stupid' and 'brain-damaged', and whatever friends she had had distanced themselves from her. Her life was generally hell, and there were times where she felt as though she wanted to actually murder the bullies in their sleep, but she never followed through on that impulse. Her middle school and high school years had allowed Bridget to learn how to fight, and she committed misdemeanors such as shoplifting. During Bridget's college years, things somewhat got better. She managed to get into a good college despite her difficulties, and she met a nice guy named Sam, who soon later became her boyfriend. The two grew close with each other as Sam helped her with her studies, and she helped him stand up for himself (he was a bit of a doormat when she first met him). However, she desperately needed money, and so she ended up working at the old pizzeria as a security guard at some point. However, after finding out that she had to guard herself against killer animatronics she wanted to quit, but didn't since she needed the money. After five nights, life again, went back to normal. However, it was after one night after coming home from work. While Sam and Bridget were walking home, the human animatronics attacked the both of them. Bridget and Sam tried to fight them off and run away from them as best as they could. However, Sam took the killing blow that was meant for Bridget. After Sam shielded her from the attack, the night guards came and the animatronics ran off. Bridget and Sam were sent to the hospital. Bridget was alright...but Sam had died upon arrival. Bridget and her mother attended Sam's funeral, and Bridget was the last one to stay at his grave. There, she was met with the Phone Guy. The Phone Guy offered her a position in the Night Guards, and offered her a chance to avenge Sam. Bridget only gave the offer some minutes of thought before answering that she'll join, even if the chance of finding and taking down the animatronic responsible for Sam's death was slim. She has been in the Night Guards for about five years. She's not a newbie but she is not a senior officer. She takes her job at the Night Guards seriously, despite penalized now and again for not following protocol sometimes. Other: Theme Song-[url=]No More[/url]. Her boyfriend came with this song for her after she told him that she felt as though somebody was trying to get into her head (despite that she thought that her boyfriend would laugh at her for thinking such a ridiculous thing). She often sings this when alone, to help herself and in memory of her boyfriend.