Artemis smiled as she heard the speech...but she could not believe how many people were just like her. She wondered what all powers they had as she kept her bow on her back. They wanted her to leave it in her room but she refused. She always had it with her no matter what. It was after all her only possession. She didn't even have clothes until the headmaster gave her some to wear. She saw the ball fly through the air and she laughed. [i]At least some of them have a sense of humor...[/i] she thought to herself with a chuckle. She walked around looking at everything any everyone...almost feeling claustrophobic. She took steady breaths looking for something or somewhere to stand away from most people. She found nothing so tried to see if she could find someone to talk to that wont reject her on the spot. She had high hopes but could not see anyone. She did find a girl with tanned skin and brown hair that looked like a nice person though. She walked closer to her to see if she could start a conversation. Her mother told her when she was dropped off that she would have to make friends...but she has never done anything like this before. She was almost about to freeze up for that matter. She managed to speak after a few moments. She decided to keep to herself until she got to her classes. She just hoped she could figure out how to do that for the matter. Maybe the headmaster can help her? She didn't even know how to ask for help either.