Simon was having an amazing dream, he was eating a giant piece of pit roasted animal he couldn't really make out what kind it was but whatever it was tasted phenomenal. He had never eaten such amazing food in all of his life. While he was eating he felt a random sharp pain in the back of his neck, when he brought up his free hand to rub the back of his back there was nothing there. Just pain. When he was about to continue to eat he looked down to see what he had left and when he was bringing it to his mouth the piece of meat formed a mouth saying the following words; "Move and you die". What a weird thing for a piece of meat to say, well I guess anything it said would have been weird since cooked meat well ... shouldn't talk. Simon woke up from his dream and since he had an amazing dream of succulent meat his stomach let out a loud, very audible growl. After he could take his mind off of his stomach he felt the same pain in the same spot of his neck. Since the pain was the same he feared that soon he would hear a voice calling out the same phrase that the meat spoke to him but nothing came. He strained his ears to see if he could hear a voice momentarily but instead he thought he heard what he thought was breathing however he couldn't be sure since he was drawing in breath also. Simon for a brief moment held his breath to see if he could hear any besides his own, and he could very slow controlled breathing right behind him. Simons heart started racing, he wasn't going to hear someone say repeat what the venison had said. The person behind him was the one that spoke it during his dream. Simon decided that he didn't want to die in a unfamiliar cave lying on the ground, in the dark with no glasses on unable to see his predator. Given this cray forest who knows what could be behind him, it could be a miniature sized person with a rapier or a syringe. Anything was possible at the moment since he didn't hear the voice of his captor. He figured that he would obey the order and not move but speak instead. [color=red]"Please don't kill me, I got lost after it became dark. I will leave your land upon first days light. [/color]