[b]Saurians, Population: 64[/b] Just under a week since their departure, the group of hunters was spotted. They marched proudly through the swampy forest, expressions of victory on every face. Close behind them, the largest of their group was dragging the limp body of the almost mythical bird. The entire village cheered in celebration and came in to get a better look at the kryan. It was large, around the same height as they were. It had a huge curved beak, surely capable of lopping off a hand with a single bite. Its strange feet were webbed with no claws. Its large wings and tail were covered in long feathers. It had a strange long neck which the Saurians had never seen on a bird before. According to the hunters, the kryan always held its neck vertical, giving it its impressive height. Despite the rejoice at their return and success, Senith could tell something had happened. It wasn't long before he personally found the collapsed hut. He did not know this Syeth, but he still knew this was a real loss. His declining mood was not aided by the rest of the villagers. His father had not returned yet. There was no one else besides Senith left to turn to. He was pestered and bothered the entire day. When the sun set and the village's fire was lit, he did not join the others. Rather, he stole away to his father's hut and hid inside. He was silently working on his spear when the leaf curtain was pushed aside and a huntress stepped inside. She stood in front of him, gazing down at him sitting in the corner of the hut. "Senith, I want to help you," She said simply. Senith looked up at her, perplexed. That was a first, usually they were asking [i]for[/i] help. "You want to help me? How?" He asked curiously. She didn't answer and sat down next to him. She turned and looked at him seriously. "Let me handle things for a while," She said, "I have an idea, and I can't help but think that things will not be done if Sythalin or you are leading the village." "Sorry," She added quickly. Senith looked at her uncertainly. "Idea? What kind of idea?" "When Syeth's hut-" She stopped. "I have an idea of how we can reinforce our huts, but I need the village's cooperation for this to work out." Senith paused. He wasn't so sure how safe it would be to tell the whole village to trust this huntress in her hut making abilities. He wasn't even sure he knew her! He knew, however, that the crude huts were a problem that needed fixing. He had to make sure she didn't have the solution. "I don't know," He said slowly, "But if you think you know how to improve the huts, we need to know." The huntress nodded and stood up. "We'll see if you've decided in the morning," She decided, "Sleep well." With that, she left the hut.