Yeah I know that we can play around with the current day time but not everything can happen in the same day. My point is what Fallen said, making a graph of all the thing that have happened to Hazumi thus far makes the day seem ridiculously long and busy. Example: Hazumi's attended a ball, met with Aaurus, met with Szayeis, met with Ian and slept all in the span of less than 24 hours. Meanwhile some things like relationships take longer to bud and can't all happen in the span of 3 days. The reason why I'd prefer a RT limit over an outright timeskip is because we can still add events in the first system. If we do a timeskip of a week its assuming nothing happened (unless we narrate) while with time limits we can still post if we want to or sit it out if we don't. For example, two characters are hooking up but haven't seen each other in a week. The players sit it out and don't post for 1-2 weeks. Meanwhile someone is kidnapped and the players involved post 3 collabs in that week. Do you get my drift?