[hider=Sarah Mane] [CENTER][I]Character Theme –[/I] [URL=] Faithful Healer [/URL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ee/c5/13/eec5132eafbe86ab8387b992dbf18647.jpg[/IMG] Sarah is a petite woman with slender hands which have turned rough with her recent years of mission work. Her hair, which is light like the sun, is kept in a long thick braid that reaches just beyond her navel. Her skin is pale as she has lived the majority of her life sheltered by the roof of a library or house of study. Her features are severe with a chiseled jaw line and large amber eyes. Her clothes are simple, but high quality, as she has enjoyed the funding of her rich father in law. She wears thick wool covered in animal skins. Her undergarments are made of fine leather which keep her warm in the harsh Northern winters.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Name[/U]】 [I]Sarah Mane[/I]   【[U]Alias[/U]】 [I]The Healer[/I]   【[U]Gender[/U]】 [I]Female[/I]   【[U]Age[/U]】 [I]21[/I]   【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [I]Heterosexual[/I] 【[U]Birth Place[/U]】 [I]Lion’s Keep[/I] 【[U]Nation/Allegiance[/U]】 [I]Kingdom of Dawn[/I] 【[U]Profession[/U]】  [I]Healer and Missionary[/I]   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】   [I]Sarah is a highly opinionated young woman with a serious attitude. Driven, disciplined, and well spoken, she puts her talents to use in the interest of gaining followers for the Church of Light. She was educated in the capital of Dawn, trained in the tradition of healing arts among other things. This healing aptitude compliments her need to be needed, but oddly enough she is not the most compassionate person. As she is stoic herself, she expects self control from her patients and has left it up to her husband to be the nurturer in her practice. Despite her petite figure, Sarah is a force to be reckoned with among civilized people. Unrelenting and convicted, she is not one to keep silent when she witnesses cruelty or injustice. Though she is headstrong, she is also perceptive of her limitations and those of others. Because of this, she will push just hard enough to set the stone rolling in the “right” direction, without risking it falling back upon herself. What motivates Sarah more than anything is her desire for holiness. She is intimately acquainted with the word of the God of Light and uses these scriptures as a measuring stick for her thoughts and actions. A perfectionist by nature, no one is harder on Sarah than she is on herself. Guilt is the name of her inner demon, and she will wrestle with him for all her earthly life. [/I]   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 [I]Sarah was born into a learned family in the Dawn city of Lion’s Keep. Her father is a professor of astronomy and her mother was a healer before she died suddenly when Sarah was about fourteen. Following in her mother’s footsteps, she began studying the healing arts with great discipline and earned recognition as a prodigious and competent practitioner at the age of eighteen. She has used this talent to aid those seeking mercy at the temple of the God of Light. Though she was raised “In the Light”, Sarah has lead a particularly devout life and her degree of conviction has been taken to an extreme which her own family find off-putting. When her father was caught in an extra-marital affair following the death of his late wife, Sarah threatened him with exposure if he did not repent and forsake his sinful relationship. His hypocrisy, rather than his indiscretion, is what wounded Sarah the most. Sarah was married under the Church of Light to her childhood sweetheart when she was nineteen. His name was Cavil, and he had been groomed for a life of servitude to the God of Light. Cavil’s wealthy father is a Deacon in the great temple at Lion’s Keep. Shortly after their marriage, Sarah and her husband were sponsored by his father for a mission to the Northern Lands. Their purpose for the past 3 years had been to spread the doctrine of the Church of Light to the depraved souls of the North. During this time Sarah continued to grow as a healer and experienced great usefulness as a navigator since her father taught her the secrets of the stars. This is not the limit of her skill as she is well versed in other subjects such as writing, arithmetic, and law. Sarah and her husband had spent the past several months in a village south of Titus. This being the farthest North they had ever ventured. The hostility of these weather-worn people was neutralized by their desperate need for healers, though many remained resistant to the God of Light’s message. During this stay, frantic word had spread of a plague which was coursing south across the Celtobar Peninsular. Sarah is horrified to recall how she had arrogantly anticipated the plague’s arrival. She had lofty visions of the humility the experience would bring upon the wild and obstinate people she had been trying to reason with for so long. She believed that with all of her knowledge, she would be able to stop this terror, and all those who had been spared would recognize the great power of The God of Light. Sarah even went so far as to wonder if the God of Light himself had sent this plague for this very purpose. Less than a week ago, Sarah returned home from prayer to the cheap hovel she and Cavil had rented from a town official. It had been Cavil’s day to look after the sick while Sarah enjoyed some much needed meditation. When she entered the house however, Cavil was lying in front of the hearth, gasping. She rushed across the room and turned his heavy body toward her. What she saw was horrifying. His skin was dark, as though he were bruised from head to toe. His veins bulged from under his flesh and Sarah could see the dangerously slow pulse ripple through his frame. She called to him, but he did not answer her with his customary “Precious”. What came out instead was a snarl. Where once had been the most loving eyes, pools of hatred and a deep desperate hunger stared back at her. The next morning, Sarah watched the body of her husband burn upon a humble pyre. Cavil and seven other villagers who had not been armed at the time of their loved one’s turning lay bound in dark sacks. The sick-house itself had been barricaded from the outside and burned to the ground. Those inside had died as something far short of human beings. As she watched the flames engulf her love, the human part of Sarah threatened to die as well. What evil spirit had taken hold of her life? How could the God of Light deem permissible this nightmare? Though she had no answer, and her faith threatened to blow into the icy wind with the ashes of her husband, Sarah set her feet toward the Cross Roads, where it was rumored she might find the truth. .[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Skills and Abilities[/U]】  [I]The majority of Sarah’s usefulness lies in her education and healing prowess. Raised by a professor, Sarah is versed in reading, writing, arithmetic, astronomy, language, and law. Her true talent however lies in the science of healing. Though she is not magic, in Lion’s Keep she had quite the reputation for surgical quality. Sarah can be quite persuasive when she chooses to be. Though she has been known to occasionally let her passion get the best of her, she is careful not to press one beyond the limits of his patience. As far as fighting is concerned, Sarah was trained by her intermediate husband to use her two knives proficiently. Though she is not a fighter, she skilled in basic self defense and is an expert avoider of danger. This is a fancy way of saying she knows how to run and hide. [/i]   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Weapons/Tools and Magic[/U]】 [I][u]Weapons/Tools [/u]  Sarah possesses no magic. She prefers to place her trust in scientific advances much like her countrymen. In general she is suspicious of magic and feels that those who use it are out for themselves alone. She carries with her a heavy pack which contains various instruments and medicines. These tools are the most valuable effects Sarah owns and she guards them carefully. As far as weapons go, she carries a long knife strapped to her side. She also carries a small knife which is haltered to her thigh and hidden beneath her skirt. Both blades are poisoned with paralytic agents that Sarah makes herself from flowers. [u]Magical Spells[/u] None.[/I][/center] [/hider]