Whut de fuck dun did ya' plum fuckin' say about me, ya' square? I'll gots ya' know ah' graduated top uh my class in de Nahvee Seals, and I've been involved in lotsa raids on de down low on Al-Quaeda, and ah' have upside 300 co'ferm'd wastes. ah' am trained in go'illa warfare and I'm de top snipuh' in de entire US armed fo'ces. You's is nodin' t'me but plum anoda' target. Man! ah' gots'ta wipe ya' de fuck out wid precision de likess uh which gots neva' been seen befo'e on dis Eard, Amos my fuckin' wo'ds. You's dink ya' kin dig away wid sayin' dat shit t'me upside de Internet? Dink again, fucker. Ah be baaad... As we rap ah' am contactin' mah' secret netwo'k uh spies across de USA and yo' IP be bein' traced right now so's ya' betta' prepare fo' de sto'm, maggots. De sto'm dat wipes out da damn padetic little doodad ya' call yo' life. Youse fuckin' wasted, kid. ah' can be anywhere, anytime, and ah' canwaste ya' in upside seven hundred ways, and dat's plum wid mah' bare hands. Not only am ah' only in ah da unahm'd fights, but ah' have access t'de 'ole arsenal uh de United States Marine Co'ps and ah' gots'ta use it t'its full 'estent t'wipe yo' miserable ass off de face uh de continent, ya' little shit. Man! If only ya' could gots knode whut unholy retribushun yo' little "clever" comment wuz about t'brin' waaay down downon ya', maybe ya' would gots held yo' fuckin' tongue. But ya' couldn't, ya' dun didn't, and now youse payin' de price, ya' goddamn idiot. Man! ah' gots'ta shit fury all upside ya' and ya' gots'ta drown in it. Man! Youse fuckin' wasted, kiddo. 'S coo', bro.