[b][u]Engine Room[/u][/b] "Someone else is still alive? Christ in heaven, I might actually start smiling again." Connor said as he gently lowered Risa to the floor, his happiness barely contained. It was still too early to tell whether or not this new survivor would last for any significant amount of time, but given everything Connor had just gone through, he was desperate for something to just lift his spirits. Though he desperately wanted to rush over to the new survivor to give them a quick one-over, he resisted the urge and stayed where he was to continue with his task. Risa was the top priority for now; she could still be saved, even if the chances were slim. TamTam bounded up through the trapdoor back into the mess and called back down to someone she called 'Interlulz'. That could not be the other man's real name, it sounded much too ridiculous, even for people from the future, or people he assumed were from the future. Then, she addressed another person she called 'Smokie', and it took Connor more than a few moments to realize that that was his assigned nickname. "My name is Connor," He replied and shifted his attention back to the still form of Risa at his feet. Getting her up and through the door was going to be easier said than done, but he had to at least try. With a grunt, he picked up the girl by the waist and slowly raised her up over his head. "Bloody hell," He said through gritted teeth as his arms slowly extended. "Take her, quick!" He shouted out. It was amazing how some of his fellow militiamen or even regular Shetlanders could make this maneuver look so effortless. It came as a great relief to him when TamTam took her off his hands quite literally. "She's a heavy one." Connor said, gasping. Catching his breath, he quickly added with a grin, "Don't tell her that, if you would be as kind." This was certainly a turn-around from his previous demeanor. He was actually quipping and grinning again. Then again, Connor could not help but at the very least crack a slight smile when he looked at TamTam. Though he had initially found her odd to say the least, and a bit too over-energetic, he had to admit that her exuberance was both contagious and somewhat of a spirit-lifter. However, now it was time for Connor to deal with the last of the people that had been trapped with him, and that was the girl behind the boiler. She had been silent ever since the appearance of the creature, and Connor did not just fear the worse, he had accepted it with much resignation. 'Interlulz' was probably seeing to Suichiro - Connor supposed that was the name of the man that had been trapped in the engine room as well - and that left Connor with the unenviable job of slowly pulling the other girl out from behind the boiler. The damned piece of machinery was heavy, but it stood on four stubby legs that allowed Connor to use some leverage to shift it slightly to one side. He knelt beside the girl's body and placed two fingers to her neck, then two to the wrist, as he had seen countless physicians do. Disappointingly but not too surprisingly, he found no traces of a pulse. Perhaps she still lived, and it was simply because he was too unskilled to be able to find it, but Connor was not about to pin his hopes on that possibility. He let out a long sigh, closed his eyes and bowed his head slightly. How sad it must be, to die so far away from her home. "I know not what Gods you worship, but I hope you find peace." Connor said. He had never given last rites before - he barely practiced his religion, but it seemed like the right thing to say. He stood up and walked over to 'Interlulz' with a grave look on his face. "The other one is gone," Connor said and squatted down beside Suichiro. The Asiatic certainly looked as if he had seen better days, but at least he was breathing and conscious. Little victories, Connor supposed. He looked to 'Interlulz'. "When you're ready, we should move him." He said, then looked back to Suichiro. "Unless you think you can walk under your own power?"