[u]Name[/u]- Vasily Dzagoev [u]Age[/u]- 42 [u]Class[/u]- Primaris psyker [u]Psyker Powers[/u]- Demonologist. Daemonology is the study as well as the Psychic Discipline which focuses on all things Warp and Chaos orientated. Those users of this art are masters at manipulating the interactions between warp space and the mortal world. This allows them to accomplish amazing acts such as teleportation, but tends to be the most difficult of the disciplines to truly master, with many either perishing or being driven insane. [List] [*] [b]Instability:[/b] through this ability, a psyker can phase the molecules of their body allowing them to be slightly within the warp and thus allowing them to pass through solid matter. [*] [b]Teleportation:[/b] a psyker can use this power to transport themselves or another person/object into the warp and emerge somewhere else on the field. [*] [b]Summon Warp Power:[/b] by drawing upon the energy of the Warp, a psyker can imbue themselves with great strength and agility for a limited amount of time. [*] [b]Vortex of Chaos:[/b] a powerful ability known to psykers that practice the art of daemonology which allows them to open a gateway between the mortal world and the warp thus creating a swirling vortex which sucks everything near it into the tear in space. [/List] [Center][img]http://tiendaitaca.com/noticias/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/ral.jpg[/img][/Center] [u]Equipment-[/u] Primaris psykers march to war in uniforms daubed with wards and sigils of power. they carry a psycho-reactive staff made of rare woods and precious metals, through which they can channel their psychic powers and transform it into a searing weapon capable of cutting through reinforced ceramite and ripping the life force from those it strikes. Due to the constant risks of demonic possession, a Primaris Psyker's war-gear also includes several fail-safes. Complete micro-circuity and neuro-active wiring are connected to the physically attuned crystals embedded in the psyker's hood or collar, designed to bleed away excess warp energy. these, couples with cranial surgeries undergone by the psyker to implant neural inhibitors (which tend to blunt the psyker's innate power as well), and a lifetime of training, give the psyker a reasonable chance at avoiding psychic enemies and resisting demonic influences. Strapped to his waist is something Vasily likes to call his 'bottle of lightning'. A large vessel that stores and manipulates warp energy. Together with his staff which is designed with particular metals, he can channel the warp energy from this vessel through his staff and use it as a beam weapon of pure destructive force. Very similar to lightning it is powerful enough to burn through carapace and through sustained use can melt steel beams. [u]Notable Deeds[/u]- [b]Silverbane:[/b] Banished a greater demon of Slaanesh. Using his power of instability Vasily managed to phase his own neural implants into the warp allowing him to act without their limits. This gave him the power he needed to match the Greater demon, however it came at a price. Since that day Vasily has never quite been the same and has seen his sanity bleed away making him ever more eccentric. [b]Heretic nightmare:[/b] In his early years as a psyker Vasily managed to expose a particularly crafty chaos cult in the Calixis sector. After the discovery he led the purge of three planets of this cult, Vasily likened it to an 'old fashion witch hunt'. It took two weeks to flush them all out including some high ranked officials that had been corrupted. [b]Warpgate:[/b] In a particularly bloody battle that involced many acolytes of Khorne, Vasily was tasked with shutting a warp rift that was allowing demons to pour through. In this particular case he was fortunate to have closed it as the great muscular arm of something much larger and much more dangerous had began to reach through, as the gate closed it was sheared off and slammed to the floor. There was no knowing how many lives he saved that day. [u]Time with Inquisitor[/u]- Being a Primaris Psyker Vasily has been transferred from one corner of the galaxy to the other, anywhere he is needed. He has been with Caphus for nearly two years now, reaching his longest period of time under any one commander. [u]40K Knowledge Question[/u]- Tzeentch, all part of the grand plan ;D alternatively Erebus.