Hanami listened intently to Asuka, not even noticing that the small woman that was standing beside her had followed her until she introduced herself. Looking down with a curious gaze, she blinked at the woman, tempted to pat her on the head like a child. She didn't, of course, that would be rude and she didn't want to offend anyone else today. Turning back to Asuka with her blade unsheathed, Hanami ran her fingers against the blunt edge of the sword. "A reversed sword..." She glanced at the Samurai and back to her weapon, admiring them both in silence for only a few seconds. She then looked at her fingertips, noting she was truly unharmed... Just like Kushiami said. Hanami couldn't not respect the samurai after that. Now, the little one had raised her weapon as well, though she kept it sheathed, Hanami could see the white aura surrounding the weapon. She was probably the only one that could see it. [i]She's testing you, Kushiami-san...[/i] She raised her eyebrows, curious as to whether or not she would be burned by the sword. Unfortunately for her, the red-haired hanyou had come over to the break up the party.