"Hey. How you doing?" [img]https://sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/nk-4.png?w=580&h=326[/img] ((With clothes of course.)) Jack Thomas |Male|18|Homosexual| Likes and Dislikes + Flirting + Men + Any kind of sport -Drinking -School Work -Bossy People Pro-Match Personality Outgoing || Shameless || Sporty|| Funny|| Charming or he thinks so Jack is sort of loose to say the least. He will hit on anyone and is not a one guy type of guy. He has an issue with commitments but it would take someone to change his attitude on commitment. History: He does not talk about it. There is a reason why he hates those who drink and avoids them. He also has a bit of a hero complex for some reason. Only he knows the reason. Extras Plays as many sports as he is allowed to. Will hit on anyone.