[color=f59082][h1]Monday – September 9th, 1974[/h1][/color] Breakfast is scheduled for 6:30 AM. While some students are known to get up earlier and get ready, curfew breaks at 5:30AM. Others tend to sleep in until the last moment. During breakfast announcements are made, and then posted on a board as a reminder. On this board the rules of the school are posted as a reminder for those who have a tendency to forget such things. Breakfast is held in the dining hall of the Main building, and like all meals at Northwood is buffet style. Those students with dietary requirements (diabetics, those with allergies or any other intolerances, or personal dietary choices) will have their special orders prepared and need only ask the catering staff to get them. It’s the perfect time to mingle with those in other classes or years before heading off in different directions for the day! [list] [*]Team tryouts are listed for the evening sports period. Students are promised they will help with whatever team they want to be part of, even if they don’t get an actual playing spot. [*]Leadership will be discussing (on Tuesday) the plans for the back to school dance, as well as starting elections. All students in Leadership are required to be at Tuesday’s meeting. If you are in two clubs please come to Leadership this Tuesday, or you will be dropped from the club. [*]Ms. Reese will be at the Lake during free period at 5-5:30. [*]Someone has lost their keys, if they are found please bring to the main office lost and found. [*]Mrs. Freeman, the librarian, would like to extend an opportunity for students to help her out in the library. Feel free to show up at 5 for a quick lesson in the Dewey Decimal system. [*]Anyone who wants to pick ideas for the first school play may see Mrs. Wellington in the theater during free periods. [*]Auditions for sections leaders in music will be held on Saturday during Music. Please bring practiced audition piece. [/list]