[center] [img] http://rs205.pbsrc.com/albums/bb139/rachiru-images/Black%20Haired%20Anime/s1.jpg~320x480[/img] Hikari Yoshiida |Female|17|Heterosexual| Likes: ♡Baking ♡Reading ♡Drawing (even though it's not good) ♡Fun People ♡Sweets Dislikes: -Bitter things -Bullies -Mean people Pro-Match Personality: |Kind|Hopeless romantic|Oblivious|Shy| Hikari is a girl who loves to dote on others and show how much she cares about those she actually cares about. She has been around the Match System her whole life and is excited to finally meet her Match. History: Hikari is a Match Officer's daughter. As such, it is a no brainer that she is very much Pro-Match and doesn't hide it. She has had a normal childhood and loves her family more than anyone else. [/center]