[img]http://forum.mn66.com/uploads/06-2014/305279_mn66com.gif[/img] Katarina "Kat" DeMoore | 16 | Female | 2nd Year | Heterosexual [b]Likes & Dislikes[/b] + Music + Gardening + Art - Loud Noise - Uncomfortable Situations - Wasted Time Not-Quite-Anti-Match [b]Personality[/b] Perfectionist || Anxious || A Rug for Others to Walk on || Dedicated Katarina is a focused individual when it comes to her passions of music, art, and gardening. She has a hard time thinking on her feet as she ends up in an uncomfortable situation and her anxiety spikes. [b]History[/b] Katarina grew up in abusive environment, but not a physically abusive one; an emotionally abusive one. Her mother drilled into her the art of perfection by constantly putting her down and calling her worthless. She did everything she could to prove the exact opposite. Her father eventually ended up divorcing her mother and taking her away, but the damage had already been done. Kat delved into music, art, and gardening as ways to prove she was better than her mother, but now she had no way to show her. Her father realized that something wasn't right with Kat and sent her to the Match Program in hopes that she'd find someone that could help her balance her life. [b]Extras[/b] She is afraid of failure and being told she's a failure, but all at the same time this will later motivate her to improve herself